
时间:2015-11-24 08:50:23

标签: haskell io


  1. 询问用户容器长度,宽度和高度
  2. 询问最大允许质量
  3. 计算并显示最大允许密度
  4. 在学习了LearnYouAHaskell的代码和几个高质量的小时后,我来到这里:

    main = do
    isNumber :: String -> Bool
    isNumber line = if (null $ filter (`notElem` ['0'..'9'] ++ ['.']) line)
      then True
      else False
    getInput :: IO Double
    getInput = do
     line <- getLine
     if isNumber line
      then return (read line :: Double)
      else do
      putStrLn "This value is not a number, please try again!"
    getLength :: IO ()
    getLength = do
     putStrLn "-----------------------"
     putStrLn "DensityCalc v1.0"
     putStrLn "-----------------------"
     putStrLn ""
     putStrLn "Please enter the container length to begin."
     putStrLn "Entering 0 will end the program."
     length <- getInput
     if length == 0
      then putStrLn "Goodbye!"
      else do
       putStrLn $ "Length: " ++ show length
       putStrLn "Now enter container width (0 to quit): "
       getWidth length
    getWidth :: Double -> IO ()
    getWidth length = do
     width <- getInput
     if width == 0
      then putStrLn "Goodbye!"
      else do
       putStrLn $ "Width: " ++ show width
       putStrLn "Now enter container height (0 to quit): "
       getHeight length width
    getHeight :: Double -> Double -> IO ()
    getHeight length width = do
     height <- getInput
     if height == 0
      then putStrLn "Goodbye!"
      else do
       putStrLn $ "Height: " ++ show height
       putStrLn "Finally, enter maximum allowed mass (0 to quit): "
       getMass length width height   
    getMass :: Double -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
    getMass length width height = do
     mass <- getInput
     if mass == 0
      then putStrLn "Goodbye!"
      else do
       putStrLn $ "Maximum mass: " ++ show mass
       putStrLn "Calculating density..."
       getDensity length width height mass
    getDensity :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
    getDensity length width height mass = do
     let density = mass * 100.0 / length * width * height
     let roundedDensity = round (density :: Double)
     let shownDensity = (fromIntegral roundedDensity) / 100.0
     putStrLn $ "Maximum allowed freight density: " ++ show shownDensity
     putStrLn "Thank you for using my tool! Goodbye!"

    我的第一个问题是:在编译时,它会在输入中给出一个&#34;解析错误=&#34;在第65行 -

    density = mass * 100.0 / length * width * height

    其次,如果我完全取出密度函数,它会编译 - 但主函数什么都不做(返回我输入的内容,而不是其他内容) - screenshot





    似乎,为了开始,我需要手动输入&#34; getLength&#34;在主窗口中。我可以立即调用它吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


问题是 - 如果在“main = do”子句中明确提到了getLength,为什么还要这样做呢?