'UserLogin'不包含'GetAwaiter'的定义,没有 扩展方法'GetAwaiter'接受类型的第一个参数 可以找到'UserLogin'(你是否错过了使用指令或者 装配参考?)
public async Task<ActionResult> login(UserLogin UserValue)
//Makes database access
DataLinqDB db = new DataLinqDB();
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//Is this email and also downloads "salt" from the mail.
var email = db.brugeres.FirstOrDefault(i => i.brugernavn == UserValue.Brugernavn);
if (email != null)
//Makes password on the SHA256
var pass = HelperClass.Helper.Hash.getHashSha256(UserValue.Brugernavn);
//Checker up for a username and password match up with what you have written in.
//Checks also while on the salt as the few from the past to the fit with "email"
var User = db.brugeres.FirstOrDefault(u => u.brugernavn == UserValue.Brugernavn && u.adgangskode == pass && u.salt == email.salt);
if (User != null)
.... code her ....
//Sending me over to the front. (the closed portion.)
await UserValue; //Error here!!!
return RedirectToAction("index");
//Error - Invalid username and password do not match.
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unfortunately, it is wrong ..");
//Error - Invalid username do not match.
ModelState.AddModelError("", "We could not find you!");
return View();
//Sending me over to the front. (the closed portion.)
await UserValue;//Error here!
return RedirectToAction("index");