matrix = [[2, 0, 1],[0, 1, 2],[1, 2, 0]]
def is_associative(G):
n = len(G)
return all(G[(G[x][y])][z] == G[x][(G[y][z])] for x in range(n)
for y in range(n) for z in range(n))
# is_associative(matrix) returns true
def find_identity(G):
n = len(G)
for y in range(n):
if all(G[x][y] == G[y][x] == x for x in range(n)):
return y
# find_identity(matrix) returns 1
isAssociative :: [[Int]] -> Bool
isAssociative [[]] = False
isAssociative test = do
let x = 0
let y = 1
let z = 2
getValue test (getValue test x y) z == getValue test x (getValue test y z)
getValue :: [[Int]] -> Int -> Int -> Int
getValue list a b = list !! a !! b
findIdentity :: [[Int]] -> Int
findIdentity test =
if all isTrue [ (g x y == g y x) && (g y x == x ) | x <- [0..n-1], y <- [0..n-1]]
then 1 -- how to return y?
else 0 -- how to return nothing?
where n = length test
g = getValue test
编辑(部分解决 - 需要身份帮助):
isAssociative :: [[Int]] -> Bool
isAssociative [[]] = False
isAssociative test =
all id [ g (g x y) z == g x (g y z) | x <- [0..n-1], y <- [0..n-1], z <- [0..n-1]]
where n = length test
g = getValue test
getValue :: [[Int]] -> Int -> Int -> Int
getValue list a b = list !! a !! b
答案 0 :(得分:0)
findIdentity :: [[Int]] -> Maybe Int
findIdentity ls = find 0 ls $ transpose ls where
n = length ls - 1
find _ [] [] = Nothing
find y xs ys = if map head xs == map head ys && map head xs == [0..n]
then Just y
else if n == y
then Nothing
else find (y+1) (map tail xs) (map tail ys)
transpose :: [[b]] -> [[b]]
transpose [] = []
transpose ls | (length $ head ls) == 1 = [map head ls]
| otherwise = map head ls:(transpose $ map tail ls)