public static List<EnergyUsageData> process(final Collection<EnergyUsageData> data) {
final Map<EnergyType, Map<YearMonth, BigDecimal>> tempMap = new HashMap<>();
final List<EnergyUsageData> energyUsageData = data.stream()
.flatMap(d -> d.getBillsMap().entrySet().stream().map(
dd -> new FlatData(d.getType(), dd.getKey(), dd.getValue())))
.filter(d -> {
final Map<YearMonth, BigDecimal> map = tempMap.get(d.type);
if (map != null) {
final BigDecimal amount = map.get(d.yearMonth);
map.put(d.yearMonth, amount.add(d.amount));
return false;
return true;
.map(d -> {
final HashMap<YearMonth, BigDecimal> billsMap = new HashMap<>();
billsMap.put(d.yearMonth, d.amount);
tempMap.put(d.type, billsMap);
return new EnergyUsageData(d.type, billsMap);
//Assuming Constructor of EnergyUsageData will hold
// the reference of billsMap and will not copy billsMap
return energyUsageData;
final class FlatData {
public final EnergyType type;
public final YearMonth yearMonth;
public final BigDecimal amount;
FlatData(EnergyType type, YearMonth yearMonth, BigDecimal amount) {
this.type = type;
this.yearMonth = yearMonth;
this.amount = amount;