FIX协议打印出连续的空格。 perl的

时间:2015-11-21 17:46:13

标签: perl


2015-11-19 12:11:34,050INFO [Fix message assembler]TWORDERS42_UBS-<1356 OrderSingle (8=FIX.4.2 9=195 35=D 34=1356 49=TWORDERS42 52=20151119-17:11:34.049 56=UBS 57=PROG 97=N 115=GUARDIAN 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 15=USD 21=1 22=1 38=4481 40=1 48=031162100 54=1 55=AMGN 59=0 60=20151119-17:01:11 92=CSA 10=028 )
2015-11-19 12:11:34,050INFO [SessionManager for CamUSP3: TWORDERS42 UBS]USA4P3_42_CamUSP3_42->4735 OrderSingle (8=FIX.4.2 9=197 35=D 34=4735 49=TWORDERS42 52=20151119-17:11:34 56=USA4P3_42 57=PROG 97=N 115=GUARDIAN 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 15=USD 21=1 22=1 38=4481 40=1 48=031162100 54=1 55=AMGN 59=0 60=20151119-17:01:11 92=CSA 10=210 )
2015-11-19 12:12:54,468INFO [Fix message assembler]USA4P3_42_CamUSP3_42-<68210 ExecutionReport (8=FIX.4.2 9=285 35=8 34=68210 52=20151119-17:12:54 43=N 49=USA4P3_42 50=PROG 56=TWORDERS42 128=GUARDIAN 20=0 151=4481 150=0 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 31=0.0000 32=0 21=1 15=USD 59=0 55=AMGN 22=1 48=031162100 54=1 39=0 38=4481 40=1 37=42348647 17=842696664 6=0.0000000 14=0 60=20151119-17:12:54 75=20151119 10=099 )
2015-11-19 12:12:54,468INFO [SessionManager for CamUSP3: USA4P3_42 CamUSP3_42]TWORDERS42_UBS->9012 ExecutionReport (8=FIX.4.2 9=278 35=8 34=9012 52=20151119-17:12:54 43=N 49=UBS 50=PROG 56=TWORDERS42 128=GUARDIAN 20=0 151=4481 150=0 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 31=0.0000 32=0 21=1 15=USD 59=0 55=AMGN 22=1 48=031162100 54=1 39=0 38=4481 40=1 37=42348647 17=842696664 6=0.0000000 14=0 60=20151119-17:12:54 75=20151119 10=181 )
2015-11-19 12:13:58,300INFO [Fix message assembler]USA4P3_42_CamUSP3_42-<68476 ExecutionReport (8=FIX.4.2 9=303 35=8 34=68476 52=20151119-17:13:58 43=N 49=USA4P3_42 50=PROG 56=TWORDERS42 128=GUARDIAN 20=0 151=4381 150=1 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 29=1 31=159.0800 32=100 30=O 21=1 15=USD 59=0 55=AMGN 22=1 48=031162100 54=1 39=1 38=4481 40=1 37=42348647 17=842697795 6=159.0800000 14=100 60=20151119-17:13:58 75=20151119 10=243 )
2015-11-19 12:13:58,300INFO [SessionManager for CamUSP3: USA4P3_42 CamUSP3_42]TWORDERS42_UBS->9061 ExecutionReport (8=FIX.4.2 9=296 35=8 34=9061 52=20151119-17:13:58 43=N 49=UBS 50=PROG 56=TWORDERS42 128=GUARDIAN 20=0 151=4381 150=1 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 29=1 31=159.0800 32=100 30=O 21=1 15=USD 59=0 55=AMGN 22=1 48=031162100 54=1 39=1 38=4481 40=1 37=42348647 17=842697795 6=159.0800000 14=100 60=20151119-17:13:58 75=20151119 10=068 )
2015-11-19 12:14:16,245INFO [Fix message assembler]USA4P3_42_CamUSP3_42-<68598 ExecutionReport (8=FIX.4.2 9=304 35=8 34=68598 52=20151119-17:14:16 43=N 49=USA4P3_42 50=PROG 56=TWORDERS42 128=GUARDIAN 20=0 151=4281 150=1 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 29=2 31=159.0850 32=100 30=65 21=1 15=USD 59=0 55=AMGN 22=1 48=031162100 54=1 39=1 38=4481 40=1 37=42348647 17=842698178 6=159.0825000 14=200 60=20151119-17:14:16 75=20151119 10=020 )

use strict ;
use warnings ;

my $filename = "/tmp/foo" ;

open(my $fh, '<', $filename)
or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!";

my @fixString = " ";

while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;

my @line = split("\s", "$row");
foreach my $line(@line) {
if ($line =~ /56=(\w+)/ ) {
$fixString[3] = "$1" ;
foreach $line(@line) {
if ($line =~ /49=(\w+)/ ) {
$fixString[2] = "From $1 to " ;
#sleep 1 ;


print "@fixString\n" ;

出于某种原因当我使用&#34; \ s&#34;作为分裂者,它分裂了&#34; s&#34; - 我认为空间的正则表达式是&#34; \ s&#34;

From TWORDERS42 to  ca
From TWORDERS42 to  USA4P3_42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From ca to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From ca to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From ca to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From ca to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From ca to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From ca to  TWORDERS42
From ca to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42

当我更换&#34; \ s&#34;用&#34; &#34;它变得更好 -

From TWORDERS42 to  casperbank
From TWORDERS42 to  USA4P3_42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42 to  TWORDERS42


From TWORDERS42 to  casperbank
From TWORDERS42 to  USA4P3_42
From USA4P3_42  to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42  to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42  to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42  to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42  to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42  to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42  to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From casperbank to  TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42  to  TWORDERS42

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


printf("%-5s %-11s %s %s", $line[0], $line[1], $line[2], $line[3]);

通过这种方式,您可以引入必要的空白区域来实现它们。或者你可以做print join("\t" @line);

答案 1 :(得分:1)

您的代码中存在一些错误,效率低下,冗余等,实际上只需恢复到Perl的默认行为和/或快捷方式即可解决这些错误。默认情况下,许多内置函数在$_上运行,我们可以利用它来简化和缩短代码。更进一步,split(),当提供' '模式(或根本没有模式!)时,会自动将模式视为/\s+/。我还使用哈希来存储我们找到的任何key=value对,如果我们决定要访问不同的数据部分,这将为我们提供灵活性。


use strict;
use warnings;

while (<DATA>) {
    my @fields = split;
    my %values;

    for (@fields) {
        my @parts = split(/=/);
        next unless scalar(@parts) == 2;
        $values{$parts[0]} = $parts[1];

    printf("From %-13s to    %s\n", $values{49}, $values{56});

2015-11-19 12:11:34,050INFO [Fix message assembler]TWORDERS42_UBS-<1356 OrderSingle (8=FIX.4.2 9=195 35=D 34=1356 49=TWORDERS42 52=20151119-17:11:34.049 56=UBS 57=PROG 97=N 115=GUARDIAN 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 15=USD 21=1 22=1 38=4481 40=1 48=031162100 54=1 55=AMGN 59=0 60=20151119-17:01:11 92=CSA 10=028 )
2015-11-19 12:11:34,050INFO [SessionManager for CamUSP3: TWORDERS42 UBS]USA4P3_42_CamUSP3_42->4735 OrderSingle (8=FIX.4.2 9=197 35=D 34=4735 49=TWORDERS42 52=20151119-17:11:34 56=USA4P3_42 57=PROG 97=N 115=GUARDIAN 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 15=USD 21=1 22=1 38=4481 40=1 48=031162100 54=1 55=AMGN 59=0 60=20151119-17:01:11 92=CSA 10=210 )
2015-11-19 12:12:54,468INFO [Fix message assembler]USA4P3_42_CamUSP3_42-<68210 ExecutionReport (8=FIX.4.2 9=285 35=8 34=68210 52=20151119-17:12:54 43=N 49=USA4P3_42 50=PROG 56=TWORDERS42 128=GUARDIAN 20=0 151=4481 150=0 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 31=0.0000 32=0 21=1 15=USD 59=0 55=AMGN 22=1 48=031162100 54=1 39=0 38=4481 40=1 37=42348647 17=842696664 6=0.0000000 14=0 60=20151119-17:12:54 75=20151119 10=099 )
2015-11-19 12:12:54,468INFO [SessionManager for CamUSP3: USA4P3_42 CamUSP3_42]TWORDERS42_UBS->9012 ExecutionReport (8=FIX.4.2 9=278 35=8 34=9012 52=20151119-17:12:54 43=N 49=UBS 50=PROG 56=TWORDERS42 128=GUARDIAN 20=0 151=4481 150=0 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 31=0.0000 32=0 21=1 15=USD 59=0 55=AMGN 22=1 48=031162100 54=1 39=0 38=4481 40=1 37=42348647 17=842696664 6=0.0000000 14=0 60=20151119-17:12:54 75=20151119 10=181 )
2015-11-19 12:13:58,300INFO [Fix message assembler]USA4P3_42_CamUSP3_42-<68476 ExecutionReport (8=FIX.4.2 9=303 35=8 34=68476 52=20151119-17:13:58 43=N 49=USA4P3_42 50=PROG 56=TWORDERS42 128=GUARDIAN 20=0 151=4381 150=1 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 29=1 31=159.0800 32=100 30=O 21=1 15=USD 59=0 55=AMGN 22=1 48=031162100 54=1 39=1 38=4481 40=1 37=42348647 17=842697795 6=159.0800000 14=100 60=20151119-17:13:58 75=20151119 10=243 )
2015-11-19 12:13:58,300INFO [SessionManager for CamUSP3: USA4P3_42 CamUSP3_42]TWORDERS42_UBS->9061 ExecutionReport (8=FIX.4.2 9=296 35=8 34=9061 52=20151119-17:13:58 43=N 49=UBS 50=PROG 56=TWORDERS42 128=GUARDIAN 20=0 151=4381 150=1 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 29=1 31=159.0800 32=100 30=O 21=1 15=USD 59=0 55=AMGN 22=1 48=031162100 54=1 39=1 38=4481 40=1 37=42348647 17=842697795 6=159.0800000 14=100 60=20151119-17:13:58 75=20151119 10=068 )
2015-11-19 12:14:16,245INFO [Fix message assembler]USA4P3_42_CamUSP3_42-<68598 ExecutionReport (8=FIX.4.2 9=304 35=8 34=68598 52=20151119-17:14:16 43=N 49=USA4P3_42 50=PROG 56=TWORDERS42 128=GUARDIAN 20=0 151=4281 150=1 11=AFMC286;6CE7-7DF5 29=2 31=159.0850 32=100 30=65 21=1 15=USD 59=0 55=AMGN 22=1 48=031162100 54=1 39=1 38=4481 40=1 37=42348647 17=842698178 6=159.0825000 14=200 60=20151119-17:14:16 75=20151119 10=020 )


From TWORDERS42    to    UBS
From TWORDERS42    to    USA4P3_42
From USA4P3_42     to    TWORDERS42
From UBS           to    TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42     to    TWORDERS42
From UBS           to    TWORDERS42
From USA4P3_42     to    TWORDERS42

这适用于内联数据,这对于示例非常有用,但对于现实生活来说并不是那么好。好吧,Perl也可以轻松处理文件:只需删除底部的__DATA__部分,然后将while (<DATA>)更改为while (<>)


perl file1.log file2.log file3.log [...]


use List::Util qw(max);

my @data;

while (<DATA>) {
    my @fields = split;
    my %values;

    for (@fields) {
        my @parts = split(/=/);
        next unless scalar(@parts) == 2;
        $values{$parts[0]} = $parts[1];

    push(@data, \%values);

my $max = max(map { length($_->{49}) } @data);

for (@data) {
    printf("From %-*s to    %s\n", $max + 3, $_->{49}, $_->{56});