@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set Times=0
for /f "skip=1" %%p in ('wmic cpu get loadpercentage') do (
set Cpusage!Times!=%%p
set /A Times=!Times! + 1
echo %Cpusage0%
我想在标准的C ++ Qt windows应用程序中运行它并将百分比存储在变量中。我可以看到您可以使用QProcess
答案 0 :(得分:3)
此任务有多种解决方案(标准C ++,Qt,WinAPI等),我将列出其中的一些。我已经测试并验证了所有列出的(如果我没有犯错,他们应该工作正常)。
原因是最后一行" echo %Cpusage0%
来自echo %Cpusage0%
到 这将从命令提示符返回变量 <强>解决方案:强> 通常:批处理文件需要通过命令解释器(cmd.exe - Windows上的命令提示符)运行。此外,如果您希望在解释器中只运行一个命令然后终止它,那么您需要为cmd.exe指定 / C选项。(在您的情况下,这是真的)。 / p>
所以你想要执行的命令是: 注意:如果更改 如果使用C-string,请不要忘记将其删除。 <强>要点:强> 标准C ++ - std::system(...) A,等待std::system(...)完成。这阻止调用线程。 B,在std::system(...)的其他主题中运行std::thread。 不会阻止调用线程。 C,在std::system(...)的其他主题中运行std::async。 不阻止调用线程。 Qt - QProcess A,等待QProcess完成。这阻止调用线程。 B,使用QProcess::finished()发信号通知一个广告位。 不阻止调用线程。 WinAPI - CreateProcess(...) A,等待CreateProcess(...)完成。这阻止调用线程。 B,开始一个新线程(CreateThread(...))等待CreateProcess(...)完成。 不阻止调用线程。 替代:我想在问题评论中提到同样的事情 @wOxxOm - 您可以获得CPU使用率直接用C ++编写。之前已经在StackOverflow上问了几次,这里有一些例子: How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process? Retrieving CPU Load Percent total in Windows with C++ 注意:我还没有直接从C ++&#34;验证&#34; cpu的使用情况。我自己回答,但其中一个被大量投票,另一个被接受为答案。 注意:这些是简约的解决方案,只需最少的错误检查。如果使用&#34;多线程解决方案&#34;不要忘记为共享资源添加适当的保护(例如使用 您可以在当前线程中执行批处理文件,并通过使用 命令 调用std::system(...)并将结果存储在int变量中来等待结果(百分比值)。 A, 普通阻止std::system(...)来电。 这会阻止调用线程。 您可以使用std::thread或std::async(...)在另一个帖子中执行相同操作(并在等待结果时继续执行其他操作)。 B, std::thread。 (std::promise,std::future) 这不会阻止调用线程。 以下基本上将 1 / B 解决方案包含在1个电话中。 这不会阻止调用线程。 与标准c ++解决方案类似,您可以等待QProcess线程完成执行并获得结果。 A, QProcess::waitForFinished(-1) 这会阻止调用线程。 使用Qt,另一种可能性是发出适当的时隙函数来接收QProcess的结果。 这不会阻止调用线程。 使用WinAPI的阻塞等待也有变化。 这会阻止调用线程。 或者你可以像 3 / A 那样做,但是创建一个新线程来等待批处理文件完成。 B, CreateThread(),CreateProcess() 这不会阻止调用线程。 exit %Cpusage0%
中的值。std::string BatchFile = "..."; // Access path to the batch file.
std::string Command = "cmd.exe /C " + BatchFile;
std :: string,则先前获得的c_str()指针将变为无效。
[const] char*
或std :: mutex来保护共享变量)。 1. 标准C ++ - std::system(...)
auto runBatchSTDSystemWaited(const std::string& BatchFile) -> int {
auto Command = std::string("cmd.exe /C " + BatchFile);
return std::system(Command.c_str());
auto runBatchSTDSystemThread(const std::string& BatchFile, std::shared_ptr<std::promise<int>> Promise) -> std::future<int> {
// Note: the Promise object must exist until the last call to either the promise or the future objects.
auto Command = std::string("cmd.exe /C " + BatchFile);
auto Future = Promise->get_future();
std::thread Thread([](decltype(Command) STDSystemCommand, decltype(Promise) ResultPromise) -> void {
}, Command, Promise);
return Future;
// Note: You can access the CPU usage value by calling the std::future::get() function of the returned future object.
auto runBatchSTDSystemAsync(const std::string& BatchFile) -> std::future<int> {
auto Command = std::string("cmd.exe /C " + BatchFile);
// std::async can be forced to create new thread with std::launch::async launch policy.
// Make sure that the Command string exists until the new thread ends (reason for string copy).
// The lambda-function is required to copy the command string to the new thread.
auto Future = std::future<int>(std::async(std::launch::async, [](decltype(Command) STDSystemCommand) -> int {
return std::system(STDSystemCommand.c_str());
}, Command));
return Future;
// Note: You can access the CPU usage value by calling the std::future::get() function of the returned future object.
2。 Qt - QProcess
auto runBatchQtQProcessWaited(const std::string& BatchFile) -> int {
QProcess Process;
auto Command = QString("cmd.exe");
auto Arguments = QStringList{
Process.start(Command, Arguments);
return Process.exitCode();
class SlotClass : public QObject {
SlotClass(std::shared_ptr<QProcess> Process);
auto getResult() const -> int;
public slots:
/*auto*/ void onPostFinishQtQProcess(int ExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus ExitStatus) /*-> void*/;
// Seems like Qt 5.5 moc compiler fails to correctly recognize auto declared slots. (Throws error when compiling at ":".)
std::shared_ptr<QProcess> Process;
int Result;
SlotClass::SlotClass(std::shared_ptr<QProcess> Process) :
Result(-1) {}
auto SlotClass::getResult() const -> int {
return this->Result;
/*auto*/ void SlotClass::onPostFinishQtQProcess(int ExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus ExitStatus) /*-> void*/ {
if (ExitStatus == QProcess::CrashExit)
throw std::runtime_error("Batch process crashed.");
this->Result = ExitCode;
auto runBatchQtQProcessSignaled(const std::string& BatchFile, const SlotClass& SlotObject) -> void {
auto Command = QString("cmd.exe");
auto Arguments = QStringList{
QObject::connect(SlotObject.getProcess().get(), SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)),
&SlotObject, SLOT(onPostFinishQtQProcess(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)));
SlotObject.getProcess()->start(Command, Arguments);
3。 WinAPI - CreateProcess(...)
auto runBatchWinAPICreateProcessWaited(const std::string& BatchFile) -> int {
auto Command = "cmd.exe /C " + BatchFile;
// Creates wide string array from the narrow command string.
auto WideStringConverter = std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>>();
auto WideCommand = WideStringConverter.from_bytes(Command);
auto WideCommandArray = std::make_unique<wchar_t[]>(WideCommand.length() + 1);
std::wcscpy(WideCommandArray.get(), WideCommand.c_str());
// Initializes necessary structures.
STARTUPINFO BatchStartupInformation;
std::memset(&BatchStartupInformation, 0, sizeof(BatchStartupInformation));
BatchStartupInformation.cb = sizeof(BatchStartupInformation);
PROCESS_INFORMATION BatchProcessInformation;
std::memset(&BatchProcessInformation, 0, sizeof(BatchProcessInformation));
// Creates a new command prompt process with no window and executes the given batch file.
if (!CreateProcess(nullptr, WideCommandArray.get(), nullptr, nullptr, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW,
nullptr, nullptr, &BatchStartupInformation, &BatchProcessInformation))
throw std::exception(("Could not create process for running the batch file. Error code: " + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str());
// Waits until the created process has already finished.
auto WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(BatchProcessInformation.hProcess, INFINITE);
if (WAIT_FAILED == WaitResult)
throw std::runtime_error(("Waiting for batch process failed. Error code: " + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str());
//else if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitResult)
// ; //...
auto ProcessResult = 0ul;
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(BatchProcessInformation.hProcess, &ProcessResult))
throw std::exception(("Could not retrieve process exit code after running batch file. Exit code: " + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str());
return ProcessResult;
auto runBatchWinAPICreateProcessEvent(const std::string& BatchFile) -> void {
auto Command = "cmd.exe /C " + BatchFile;
// Creates wide string array from the narrow command string.
auto WideStringConverter = std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>>();
auto WideCommand = WideStringConverter.from_bytes(Command);
auto WideCommandArray = std::make_unique<wchar_t[]>(WideCommand.length() + 1);
std::wcscpy(WideCommandArray.get(), WideCommand.c_str());
// Initializes necessary structures.
STARTUPINFO BatchStartupInformation;
std::memset(&BatchStartupInformation, 0, sizeof(BatchStartupInformation));
BatchStartupInformation.cb = sizeof(BatchStartupInformation);
PROCESS_INFORMATION BatchProcessInformation;
std::memset(&BatchProcessInformation, 0, sizeof(BatchProcessInformation));
// Creates a new command prompt process with no window and executes the given batch file.
if (!CreateProcess(nullptr, WideCommandArray.get(), nullptr, nullptr, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW,
nullptr, nullptr, &BatchStartupInformation, &BatchProcessInformation))
throw std::exception(("Could not create process for running the batch file. Error code: " + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str());
if (!CreateThread(nullptr, 0, &waitForWinAPICreateProcessResult, new PROCESS_INFORMATION(BatchProcessInformation), 0, nullptr))
throw std::exception(("Could not create process for retrieving the result of the batch file. Error code: " + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str());
auto WINAPI waitForWinAPICreateProcessResult(LPVOID ThreadParameter) -> DWORD {
auto BatchProcessInformation = std::unique_ptr<PROCESS_INFORMATION>(reinterpret_cast<PROCESS_INFORMATION*>(ThreadParameter));
// Waits until the created process has already finished.
auto WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(BatchProcessInformation->hProcess, INFINITE);
if (WAIT_FAILED == WaitResult)
throw std::runtime_error(("Waiting for batch process failed. Error code: " + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str());
//else if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitResult)
// ; //...
auto ProcessResult = 0ul;
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(BatchProcessInformation->hProcess, &ProcessResult))
throw std::exception(("Could not retrieve process exit code after running batch file. Exit code: " + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str());
// You have the result in the ProcessResult variable.
return 0;