获取AWS CloudTrail日志到Kibana

时间:2015-11-20 19:11:53

标签: amazon-web-services elastic-stack amazon-cloudtrail

是否有更好的解决方案工具将aws cloudtrail日志发送到kibana,这里我使用AWS的ElasticSearch服务

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

下面是我使用1.4.2的logstash输入。它运行良好,但我怀疑它是嘈杂的(它需要很多S3 GET / HEAD / LIST请求)。

input {
  s3 {
    bucket => "bucketname"
    delete => false
    interval => 60 # seconds
    prefix => "cloudtrail/"
    type => "cloudtrail"
    codec => "cloudtrail"
    credentials => "/etc/logstash/s3_credentials.ini"
    sincedb_path => "/opt/logstash_cloudtrail/sincedb"

filter {
  if [type] == "cloudtrail" {
    mutate {
      gsub => [ "eventSource", "\.amazonaws\.com$", "" ]
      add_field => {
        "document_id" => "%{eventID}"
    if ! [ingest_time] {
      ruby {
        code => "event['ingest_time'] = Time.now.utc.strftime '%FT%TZ'"
    ruby {
      code => "event.cancel if (Time.now.to_f - event['@timestamp'].to_f) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 1)"
    ruby { 
      code => "event['ingest_delay_hours'] = (Time.now.to_f - event['@timestamp'].to_f) / 3600" 

    # drop events more than a day old, we're probably catching up very poorly
    if [ingest_delay_hours] > 24 {
      drop {}

    # example of an event that is noisy and I don't care about
    if [eventSource] == "elasticloadbalancing" and [eventName] == "describeInstanceHealth" and [userIdentity.userName] == "deploy-s3" {
      drop {}

s3 input page上解释了credentials.ini格式;它只是这个:

