
时间:2015-11-20 13:58:01

标签: node.js protractor hoodiecrow

我将 Hoodiecrow http://hoodiecrow.com/)用作IMAP服务器,将 mail-listener2 https://www.npmjs.com/package/mail-listener2)用作IMAP客户端。两者都是npm模块。



var MailListener = require('mail-listener2');

// here goes your email connection configuration
var mailListener = new MailListener({
    username: 'testuser',
    password: 'testpass',
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 1143, // imap port
    tls: false,
    tlsOptions: {rejectUnauthorized: true},
    mailbox: 'INBOX', // mailbox to monitor
    searchFilter: ['UNSEEN'], // the search filter being used after an IDLE notification has been retrieved
    markSeen: true, // all fetched email willbe marked as seen and not fetched next time
    fetchUnreadOnStart: true, // use it only if you want to get all unread email on lib start. Default is `false`,
    mailParserOptions: {streamAttachments: true}, // options to be passed to mailParser lib.
    attachments: true, // download attachments as they are encountered to the project directory
    attachmentOptions: {directory: 'attachments/'} // specify a download directory for attachments


mailListener.on("server:connected", function () {
    console.log("Mail listener initialized");

var getLastEmail = function () {
    var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();
    console.log("Waiting for an email...");

    mailListener.on("mail", function (mail) {
    return deferred.promise;

global.mailListener = mailListener;
global.getLastEmail = getLastEmail;

但是,我不确定如何配置我的应用程序以使用Hoodiecrow IMAP服务器。


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