
时间:2015-11-19 17:38:38

标签: swift generics generic-constraints

在处理基于节点的框架(包括序列化和反序列化)的过程中,我发现了一个可以创建忽略类型约束的类实例的情况。为什么我可以在ZNumericProcessor<String>内创建ZSum,但ZNumericProcessor被定义为ZNumericProcessor<T: ZNumeric>,其中String不符合ZNumeric?为什么甚至可以调用初始值设定项,尽管ZSum不确定TZNumeric




//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play

import UIKit

var str = "Hello, playground"

protocol ZNumeric {

extension Double: ZNumeric {


class ZInput<T> {


class ZNumericProcessor<T: ZNumeric> {


class ZNode {

    let id: String
    var name: String?

    required init?<T>(type: T.Type, id: String) {
        self.id = id

    init(name: String?) {
        id = NSUUID().UUIDString

class ZSum: ZNode {

    required init?<T: ZNumeric>(type: T.Type, id: String) {
        super.init(type: type, id: id)

        let p = ZNumericProcessor<T>()

        if !(T.self is ZNumeric.Type) {
            print("could not create ZSum, type is not Numeric")
            return nil

    override init(name: String?) {
        super.init(name: name)

class ZFactory {

    var nodes: [String: ZNode.Type] = [:]
    var types: [String: (type: ZNode.Type, id: String) -> ZNode?] = [:]

    func node(node: String, type: String, id: String) -> ZNode? {

        let n = nodes[node]
        if n == nil {
            return nil

        let t = types[type]
        if t == nil {
            return nil

        return t!(type: n!, id: id)

    func registerNode(name: String, type: ZNode.Type) {
        nodes[name] = type

    func registerType(name: String, processor: (type: ZNode.Type, id: String) -> ZNode?) {
        types[name] = processor

class Serializer {
    func node() -> (id: String, node: String, type: String)? {
        return nil

var t = ZFactory()
t.registerNode("ZSum", type: ZSum.self)
t.registerType("Double", processor: { (type: ZNode.Type, id: String) -> ZNode? in return type.init(type: Double.self, id: id) } )
t.registerType("String", processor: { (type: ZNode.Type, id: String) -> ZNode? in return type.init(type: String.self, id: id) } )
var n = t.node("ZSum", type: "Double", id: "ID1")
var m = t.node("ZSum", type: "String", id: "ID2")

编辑:阅读之后:Stackoverflow Thread我试图将其合并但是限制较少的子类initalizer将不会被调用(在ZSum中),尽管已提供。

import UIKit

var str = "Hello, playground"

protocol ZNumeric {


protocol ZStringRepresentable {


extension Double: ZNumeric {


class ZInput<T> {


class ZNumericProcessor<T: ZNumeric> {


class ZNode {

    let id: String
    var name: String?

    required init?<T>(type: T.Type, id: String) {
        self.id = id

    init(name: String?) {
        id = NSUUID().UUIDString

class ZSum: ZNode {

    required init?<T>(type: T.Type, id: String) {
        super.init(type: type, id: id)
        print("called") // Never happens

    required init?<T: ZNumeric>(type: T.Type, id: String) {
        super.init(type: type, id: id)

        if !(T.self is ZNumeric.Type) {
            print("could not create ZSum, type is not Numeric") // This is called with String
            return nil

        let pp = ZNumericProcessor<T>()

    override init(name: String?) {
        super.init(name: name)

class ZFactory {

    var nodes: [String: ZNode.Type] = [:]
    var types: [String: (type: ZNode.Type, id: String) -> ZNode?] = [:]

    func node(node: String, type: String, id: String) -> ZNode? {

        let n = nodes[node]
        if n == nil {
            return nil

        let t = types[type]
        if t == nil {
            return nil

        return t!(type: n!, id: id)

    func registerNode(name: String, type: ZNode.Type) {
        nodes[name] = type

    func registerType(name: String, processor: (type: ZNode.Type, id: String) -> ZNode?) {
        types[name] = processor

class Serializer {
    func node() -> (id: String, node: String, type: String)? {
        return nil

var t = ZFactory()
t.registerNode("ZSum", type: ZSum.self)
t.registerType("Double", processor: { (type: ZNode.Type, id: String) -> ZNode? in return type.init(type: Double.self, id: id) } )
t.registerType("String", processor: { (type: ZNode.Type, id: String) -> ZNode? in return type.init(type: String.self, id: id) } )
var n = t.node("ZSum", type: "Double", id: "ID1")
var m = t.node("ZSum", type: "String", id: "ID2")


protocol ZNumeric {


extension Double: ZNumeric {


protocol ZInitializable {
    init<T>(type: T.Type)

class ZNode: ZInitializable {
    required init<T>(type: T.Type) {


class ZSum: ZNode {
    required init<T>(type: T.Type) {
        super.init(type: type)

    required init<T: ZNumeric>(type: T.Type) {
        super.init(type: type)
        print("ZSum ZNumeric:\(type)") // Is called both with String and Double

func create(node: ZNode.Type) {
    let a = node.init(type: Double.self)
    let b = node.init(type: String.self)


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