namespace Ourentec\CustomersBundle\Form;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface;
class CustomerType extends AbstractType
* @param FormBuilderInterface $builder
* @param array $options
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add('name', 'text', array(
'label' => 'Nombre *',
'required' => true,
'max_length' => 20,
->add('lastname', 'text', array(
'label' => 'Apellido',
'required' => false
->add('address', 'textarea', array(
'label' => 'Dirección',
'required' => false
->add('phone', 'text', array(
'label' => 'Teléfono *',
'required' => true
->add('pass', 'text', array(
'label' => 'Contraseña *',
'required' => true
->add('tasks', 'textarea', array(
'label' => 'Tareas',
'required' => false
->add('email', 'text', array(
'label' => 'Email',
'required' => false
->add('status', 'choice', array(
'label' => 'Estado',
'required' => true,
'choices' => array(
'' => 'Selecciona un estado',
'Pendiente' => 'Pendiente',
'En Curso' => 'En Curso',
'Terminado' => 'Terminado'
->add('location', 'choice', array(
'label' => 'Ubicación',
'required' => true,
'choices' => array(
'' => 'Selecciona una ubicación',
'Taller' => 'Taller',
'Tienda' => 'Tienda',
'Servicio Técnico Oficial' => 'Servicio Técnico Oficial',
'Entregado' => 'Entregado'
->add('save', 'submit', array(
'label' => 'Añadir'
* @return string
public function getName()
return 'ourentec_customersbundle_customer';
public function newCustomerAction(Request $request)
$customer = new Customer();
// invoke form and associate a customer object
$form = $this->createForm(new CustomerType(), $customer);
// check if form is submitted
if ($form->isValid()) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
'Ficha creada correctamente!'
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('customers_index'));
return $this->render('CustomersBundle:Customers:new.html.twig', array('form' => $form->createView()));
public function editCustomerAction(Request $request)
$customerModel = $this->get('customer_model');
$historyModel = $this->get('history_model');
$customer = $customerModel->getCustomerForAdmin($request->get('id'));
$histories = $historyModel->getHistory($request->get('id'));
$form = $this->createForm(new CustomerType(), $customer);
return $this->render('CustomersBundle:Customers:edit.html.twig', array(
'customer' => $customer,
'histories' => $histories,
'form' => $form->createView()));
结束编辑视图,因为&#34; new&#34;一个完美的工作:
{% block content %}
{% if customer is defined %}
{% set customer = customer[0] %}
<h2>Datos de {{ customer.name }}</h2>
<a href="{{ path('customers_index') }}" class="btn">Volver</a>
{{ form_start(form) }}
<table class="table">
<td>{{ customer.id }}</td>
<td>Fecha de Alta</td>
<td>{{ customer.date|date("d-m-Y @ H:m:s") }}</td>
<td>{{ form_widget(form.name) }}</td>
<td>Estado Actual</td>
<td>{{ customer.status }}</td>
<td>Ubicación Actual</td>
<td>{{ customer.location }}</td>
<td>{{ form_widget(form.lastname) }}</td>
<td>{{ form_widget(form.address) }}</td>
<td>{{ form_widget(form.phone) }}</td>
<td>{{ form_widget(form.pass) }}</td>
{{ form_widget(form.tasks) }}
<input type="button" class="btn" id="btn_tasks" value="Archivar"/>
<td>{{ form_widget(form.email) }}</td>
<td>Estado *</td>
{{ form_widget(form.status) }}
<td>Ubicación *</td>
{{ form_widget(form.location) }}
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-success" name="edit" value="Guardar"/>
<a href="{{ path('customers_index') }}" class="btn">Volver</a>
{{ form_end(form) }}
{% if histories is defined %}
{% set histories = histories[0] %}
<h3>Historial de Tareas</h3>
<table class="table">
{% for history in histories %}
{% if history.tasks is defined %}
<td class="history_text">{{ history.date|date("d-m-Y @ H:m:s") }}</td>
<td>{{ history.tasks }}</td>
<a href="" class="btn btn-danger"
onclick="return confirm('¿Estás seguro de que deseas borrar esta entrada?')">Borrar</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
好吧,我的问题是我无法将实体数据预填充到文本字段中。正如您所看到的,在我的控制器(editCustomerAction)中,我从我的数据库中获取客户信息(我在error_log和Symfony2工具栏中检查了它),然后将该信息传递给视图。 但我不知道为什么它不起作用。我阅读了官方文档,但没有预先填写数据的例子......
编辑:这是模型。我做了一个&#34; getArrayResult()&#34;在DQL中,因为如果做了一个
$customer = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('CustomersBundle:Customer')->find($request->get('id'));
我得到一个&#34; PHP致命错误:允许的内存大小......&#34;误差..
class CustomerModel
protected $em;
public function __construct(\Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $em)
$this->em = $em;
public function getAllCustomersForAdmin($userId)
$customers = $this->em->createQuery(
'select c, ctrl.seen, ctrl.date as edited from CustomersBundle:Customer c
join CustomersBundle:Control ctrl
where c.id = ctrl.customer and ctrl.user = :id order by ctrl.date desc, c.date desc')
->setParameter('id', $userId)
return $customers;
public function getCustomerForAdmin($customerId)
$customer = $this->em->createQuery(
'select c from CustomersBundle:Customer c where c.id = :id')->setParameter('id', $customerId)
return $customer;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public function getCustomerForAdmin($customerId)
$customer = $this->em->createQuery(
'select c from CustomersBundle:Customer c where c.id = :id')->setParameter('id', $customerId)
return $customer;