
时间:2010-08-01 03:42:36

标签: python string indexing substring

我知道.index()将返回子串位于python中的位置。 但是,我想要的是找到子串在第n次的位置,这将是这样的:

>> s = 'abcdefacbdea'
>> s.index('a')
>> s.nindex('a', 1)
>>s.nindex('a', 2)


13 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


def nindex(mystr, substr, n=0, index=0):
    for _ in xrange(n+1):
        index = mystr.index(substr, index) + 1
    return index - 1


答案 1 :(得分:1)

是。使用s.index('yourstring', start)


找到一个大胖子后更新-1 ...我没有写一些代码???


>>> def nindex(haystack, needle, n, overlapping=True):
...    delta = 1 if overlapping else max(1, len(needle))
...    start = -delta
...    for _unused in xrange(n):
...       start = haystack.index(needle, start+delta)
...    return start
>>> for n in xrange(1, 11):
...    print n, nindex('abcdefacbdea', 'a', n)
1 0
2 6
3 11
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 5, in nindex
ValueError: substring not found
>>> for olap in (True, False):
...    for n in (1, 2):
...       print str(olap)[0], n, nindex('abababab', 'abab', n, olap)
T 1 0
T 2 2
F 1 0
F 2 4
>>> for n in xrange(1, 8):
...    print n, nindex('abcde', '', n)
1 0
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 5, in nindex
ValueError: substring not found

答案 2 :(得分:1)

def nindex(needle, haystack, index=1):
     parts = haystack.split(needle)
     position = 0
     length = len(needle)
     for i in range(index - 1):
         position += len(parts[i]) + length
     return position


答案 3 :(得分:1)


[index for index, value in enumerate(s) if s == 'a'][n]

from itertools import islice
next(islice((index for index, value in enumerate(s) if s == 'a'), n, None))


答案 4 :(得分:1)

这是一个 memoized 版本,可以尽可能地避免浪费的工作,同时保持与规范的接近[1](而不是做一些更好的事情,比如循环 所有点击; - )...:

[1]:只是关闭 - 当然不能在字符串中使用新的.nindex方法! - )

def nindex(haystack, needle, nrep=1, _memo={}):
  if nrep < 1:
    raise ValueError('%r < 1' % (nrep,))
  k = needle, haystack
  if k in _memo:
    where = _memo[k]
    where = _memo[k] = [-1]
  while len(where) <= nrep:
    if where[-1] is None:
      return -1
    w = haystack.find(needle, where[-1] + 1)
    if w < 0:
      return -1
  return where[nrep]

s = 'abcdefacbdea'
print nindex(s, 'a')
print nindex(s, 'a', 2)
print nindex(s, 'a', 3)


答案 5 :(得分:1)

>>> from re import finditer, escape
>>> from itertools import count, izip

>>> def nfind(s1, s2, n=1):
...    """return the index of the nth nonoverlapping occurance of s2 in s1"""
...    return next(j.start() for i,j in izip(count(1), finditer(escape(s2),s1)) if i==n)
>>> nfind(s,'a')
>>> nfind(s,'a',2)
>>> nfind(s,'a',3)

答案 6 :(得分:0)

def ifind( s, word, start=0 ):
    pos = s.find(word,start)
    while -1 < pos:
        yield pos
        pos = s.find(word,pos+1)

print list(ifind('abcdefacbdea', 'a'))     # [0, 6, 11]
print list(ifind('eee', 'a'))              # []

答案 7 :(得分:0)

def nindex(str, substr, index):
  slice = str
  n = 0
  while index:
    n += slice.index(substr) + len(substr)
    slice = str[n:]
    index -= 1
  return slice.index(substr) + n

答案 8 :(得分:0)

import itertools
def multis(search,text,start=0):
    while start>-1:
        if start>-1:
            yield f

# one based function for nth result only
def nindex(text,search,n):
    return itertools.islice(multis(search,text),n-1,n).next()

text = 'abcdefacbdea'
search = 'a'
print("Hit %i: %i" % (3, nindex(text,search,3)))
print ('All hits: %s' % list(multis(search,text)))


def nthpartition(search,text,n=None):
    ## nth partition before and after or all if not n
    if not n:
        n=len(text) # bigger always than maximum number of n
    for i in range(n):
        before,search,text = text.partition(search)
        if not search:
        yield before,text

text = 'abcdefacbdea'
search = 'a'
print("Searching %r in %r" % (search,text))

for parts in nthpartition(search,text): print(parts)
Searching 'a' in 'abcdefacbdea'
('', 'bcdefacbdea')
('bcdef', 'cbdea')
('cbde', '')

答案 9 :(得分:0)

import re

def nindex(text, n=1, default=-1):
    return next(
        itertools.islice((m.start() for m in re.finditer('a', text)), n - 1, None),

print nindex(s)
print nindex(s, 1)
print nindex(s, 2)
print nindex(s, 3)
print nindex(s, 4)

答案 10 :(得分:0)

重复调用'index',使用最后一次调用的结果(+ 1)作为起始位置:

def nindex(needle, haystack, n):
"find the nth occurrence of needle in haystack"
  pos = -1
  for dummy in range(n):
    pos = haystack.index(needle, pos + 1)
  return pos


答案 11 :(得分:0)


# index is 0-based
def nindex(needle, haystack, index=0):
     parts = haystack.split(needle)
     if index >= len(parts)-1:
         return -1
     return sum(len(x) for x in parts[:index+1])+index*len(needle)

答案 12 :(得分:0)

这个在正则表达式中工作..如果你修改它以缓存已编译的正则表达式(或记住它),那么 NOT(测试后)可能会更快。

import re

def nindex(s, substr, n = 1):
    """Find the nth occurrence of substr in s."""
    safe_substr = re.escape(substr) 
    regex_str = ".*?(?:%s.*?){%i}(%s).*?" % (safe_substr, n - 1, safe_substr)
    regex = re.compile(regex_str)
    match =    
    if match is None:
        index = None
        index = match.start(1)        
    return index

# The rest of this code is just test cases...
for search_str in ("a", "bc"):
    print "Looking for %s" % search_str
    for test_str in ('abcdefacbdea',
        for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4):      
            print("%s %i index: %s" % 
                  (test_str, i, nindex(test_str, search_str, i)))


Looking for a
abcdefacbdea 0 index: None
abcdefacbdea 1 index: 0
abcdefacbdea 2 index: 6
abcdefacbdea 3 index: 11
abcdefacbdea 4 index: None
abcdefacbdeaxxx 0 index: None
abcdefacbdeaxxx 1 index: 0
abcdefacbdeaxxx 2 index: 6
abcdefacbdeaxxx 3 index: 11
abcdefacbdeaxxx 4 index: None
xxxabcdefacbdeaxxx 0 index: None
xxxabcdefacbdeaxxx 1 index: 3
xxxabcdefacbdeaxxx 2 index: 9
xxxabcdefacbdeaxxx 3 index: 14
xxxabcdefacbdeaxxx 4 index: None

Looking for bc
abcdefacbdea 0 index: None
abcdefacbdea 1 index: 1
abcdefacbdea 2 index: None
abcdefacbdea 3 index: None
abcdefacbdea 4 index: None
abcdefacbdeaxxx 0 index: None
abcdefacbdeaxxx 1 index: 1
abcdefacbdeaxxx 2 index: None
abcdefacbdeaxxx 3 index: None
abcdefacbdeaxxx 4 index: None
xxxabcdefacbdeaxxx 0 index: None
xxxabcdefacbdeaxxx 1 index: 4
xxxabcdefacbdeaxxx 2 index: None
xxxabcdefacbdeaxxx 3 index: None
xxxabcdefacbdeaxxx 4 index: None


def memoized_hedgehog_nindex(s, substr, n = 1, _memoized_regexes = {}):
    safe_substr = re.escape(substr) 
    regex_str = ".*?(?:%s.*?){%i}(%s).*?" % (safe_substr, n - 1, safe_substr)

    # memoize
    key = (n, safe_substr)
    if key in _memoized_regexes:
        regex = _memoized_regexes[key]
        regex = re.compile(regex_str)
        _memoized_regexes[key] = regex

    match =    
    if match is None:
        index = None
        index = match.start(1)        
    return index