
时间:2015-11-18 12:51:08

标签: c++ parallel-processing openmp


void foo(){

    //Shared pointer to the source
    VectorField* velField = Source.getPointer();
    #pragma omp parallel shared( velField )
        //private variable Velocity 
        matrixdouble Velocity(1,3);

    #pragma omp for schedule(auto)
        for (unsigned i=0;i< NbNodes; ++i)

                Velocity = interpol(*velField);


matrixdouble interpol(VectorField& velField ){
    matrixdouble Result(1,3);
    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            Result(i,j) = velField(i,j) * 0.25;

    //here the program stops
    return Result;


但是当您在“interpol”函数中返回“Result”时,程序总是会失败,并显示“double free or corruption(fasttop)”消息。有20个线程,它给18个相同的地址,它失败了,另外两个也是相同的。

: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000ebcb20 *** : double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000ebcb20 *** : double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000ebca40 *** : double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000ebca40 *** : double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000ebca40 *** : double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000ebca40 *** : double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000ebca40 *** : double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000ebca40 *** ...


 template<typename T> class Matrix
        // Constructors & Destructors.
        inline Matrix();
        inline Matrix(const Matrix<T> & original);
        inline Matrix(const unsigned rows, const unsigned cols);
        inline Matrix(const unsigned rows, const unsigned cols, const T val);
        inline Matrix(const unsigned rows, const unsigned cols, T * pdata);
        inline ~Matrix();
        // Resize and reshape functions
        inline void resize(const unsigned rows, const unsigned cols);
        inline void reshape(const unsigned rows, const unsigned cols, const T & pad = 0);
        void fill(const T val);
        inline Matrix<T> & reference(const Matrix<T> & original);
        inline Matrix<T> & operator=(const Matrix<T> & original);
        Matrix<T> & operator+=(const Matrix<T> & m2);
        Matrix<T> & operator-=(const Matrix<T> & m2);
        Matrix<T> & operator*=(const double d);
        inline Matrix<T> copy() const throw (std::runtime_error);
        void apply(T (*f)(T));
        Matrix<T> applyCopy(T (*f)(T)) const;
        inline unsigned getRows() const;
        inline unsigned getCols() const;
        inline unsigned getSize() const;
        inline T * getData() const;
        inline void setName(std::string name);
        inline std::string getName() const;
        inline const T & operator()(const unsigned row, const unsigned col) const;
        inline T & operator()(const unsigned row, const unsigned col);
        inline int operator==(const Matrix<T> & right) const;
        inline void invert() throw ();
        inline void addColToCol(const unsigned col1, const Matrix<T> & m2, const unsigned col2);
        inline void addVecToCol(const unsigned col1, const Vector<T> & v2);
        inline void addVecToRow(const unsigned col1, const Vector<T> & v2);
        inline void transpose();
        Matrix<T> transposeCopy();
        Vector<T> toVector() const throw (std::logic_error);
        Vector<T> colToVector(const unsigned col) const;
        Vector<T> rowToVector(const unsigned row) const;
        void vectorToCol(const unsigned col, const Vector<T> & v);
        void vectorToRow(const unsigned row, const Vector<T> & v);
        inline void times(const Matrix<T> & m, const Vector<T> & v);
        void AXPY(T alpha, const Matrix<T> & X) throw ();
        void AXPY_ColToCol(const unsigned col1, const Matrix<T> & X, const unsigned col2,
                T alpha) throw ();
        void GEMM(T alpha, const Matrix<T> & A, const Matrix<T> & B, T beta) throw ();
        void GEMM(T alpha, const DiagMatrix<T> & D, const Matrix<T> & B, T beta) throw ();
        void SYMM(T alpha, const Matrix<T> & A, const Matrix<T> & B, T beta) throw ();
        Vector<std::complex<T> > EigenValues() throw ();
        Matrix<T> subMatrix(const unsigned row1, const unsigned row2, const unsigned col1,
                const unsigned col2) const throw ();
        ReferenceMatrix<T> * data_;


  template<typename T> class ReferenceMatrix
        ReferenceMatrix(const unsigned rows, const unsigned cols);
        ReferenceMatrix(const unsigned rows, const unsigned cols, T * pdata);
        inline void resize(const unsigned rows, const unsigned cols);
        inline void reshape(const unsigned rows, const unsigned cols, const T & pad);
        inline ReferenceMatrix<T> * reference();
        inline void dereference();
        inline unsigned getRows() const;
        inline unsigned getCols() const;
        inline unsigned getSize() const;
        inline T * getData() const;
        inline void setName(std::string name);
        inline std::string getName() const;
        inline const T & operator()(const unsigned & row, const unsigned & col) const;
        inline T & operator()(const unsigned & row, const unsigned & col);
        void transpose();
        unsigned rows_, cols_, size_;
        unsigned reference_count_;
        bool user_mem_management_; // deallocation done by user
        T * data_;
        std::string name_;


   template<typename T> ReferenceMatrix<T>::ReferenceMatrix(const unsigned rows,
        const unsigned cols)
    // Using namespace & using directives.
    using namespace std;

    // Create a new (rows by cols) Matrix.

    if (((rows_ = rows) > 0) & ((cols_ = cols) > 0))
        size_ = rows_ * cols_;
        user_mem_management_ = false;
        data_ = new T[size_];
        reference_count_ = 1;
        size_ = 0;
        user_mem_management_ = false;
        data_ = 0;
        reference_count_ = 1;
    name_ = "";

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