在我的动态编辑器工具中,我非常感谢获得文本/字体的实际渲染高度 - (我不是指获得CSS字体大小,既不计算也不预设)。
如果不是直接的话,画布中的渲染字体可能与渲染为常规文本的方式相同 - 然后找出来吗?
编辑 - 我的“开发”解决方案:根据建议的链接,我构建了一些纯javascript代码,通过画布中的像素分析是否像素为白色和行为因此,它几乎不是代码的开发者版本 - 只输出很少的有用信息并显示如何访问计算数据 - http://jsfiddle.net/DV9Bw/1325/
<canvas id="exampleSomePrettyRandomness" width="200" height="60"></canvas>
<div id="statusSomePrettyRandomness"></div>
function findPos(obj) {
var curleft = 0, curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
do {
curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
curtop += obj.offsetTop;
} while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
return { x: curleft, y: curtop };
return undefined;
var status = document.getElementById('statusSomePrettyRandomness');
var example = document.getElementById('exampleSomePrettyRandomness');
var context = example.getContext('2d');
context.fillStyle = "rgb(255,255,255)";
context.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 200);
context.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)";
context.font = "30px Arial";
context.fillText("Hello World",0,30);
var pos = findPos(example);
var x = example.pageX - pos.x;
var y = example.pageY - pos.y;
var foundTop = false;
xPos = 0;
yPos = 0;
topY = -1;
bottomY = -1;
var fuse = 1000;
while( fuse-- > 0 ){
//status.innerHTML += yPos+"<br>";
if( yPos == (example.offsetHeight - 2) ){
yPos = 0;
var data = context.getImageData(xPos, yPos, 1, 1).data;
if( ! foundTop ){
if( (data[0] != 255) && (data[1] != 255) && (data[2] != 255) ){
topY = yPos;
status.innerHTML += "<br>Found top: "+topY+" X:"+xPos+" Color: rgba("+data[0]+","+data[1]+","+data[2]+")"+"<br>";
foundTop = true;
} else {
if( (data[0] == 255) && (data[1] == 255) && (data[2] == 255) ){
bottomY = yPos;
status.innerHTML += "<br>Found bottom: "+bottomY+" X:"+xPos+"<br>";
if( yPos > example.offsetHeight ){
status.innerHTML += ""
+"Y overflow ("+yPos+">"+example.offsetHeight+")"
+" - moving X to "+xPos
+" - reseting Y to "+yPos
yPos = 0;
status.innerHTML += "Fuse:"+fuse+", Top:"+topY+", Bottom: "+bottomY+"<br>";
status.innerHTML += "Font height should be: "+(bottomY-topY)+"<br>";
编辑2:为什么这不重复:我的问题是关于字体或字母的实际渲染高度,“possible duplicate”是关于你有多大的空间需要打印文本,答案提供,但无论如何都没有回答我的确切问题。
答案 0 :(得分:4)
但是,从理论上讲,您只需在画布中绘制文本,然后trim the surrounding transparent pixels然后测量画布高度..
// Create a blank canvas (by not filling a background color).
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Fill it with some coloured text.. (black is default)
ctx.font = "48px serif";
ctx.textBaseline = "hanging";
ctx.fillText("Hello world", 0, 0);
// Remove the surrounding transparent pixels
// result is an actual canvas element
var result = trim(canvas);
// you could query it's width, draw it, etc..
// get the height of the trimmed area
// Trim Canvas Pixels Method
// https://gist.github.com/remy/784508
function trim(c) {
var ctx = c.getContext('2d'),
// create a temporary canvas in which we will draw back the trimmed text
copy = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d'),
// Use the Canvas Image Data API, in order to get all the
// underlying pixels data of that canvas. This will basically
// return an array (Uint8ClampedArray) containing the data in the
// RGBA order. Every 4 items represent one pixel.
pixels = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, c.width, c.height),
// total pixels
l = pixels.data.length,
// main loop counter and pixels coordinates
i, x, y,
// an object that will store the area that isn't transparent
bound = { top: null, left: null, right: null, bottom: null };
// for every pixel in there
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 4) {
// if the alpha value isn't ZERO (transparent pixel)
if (pixels.data[i+3] !== 0) {
// find it's coordinates
x = (i / 4) % c.width;
y = ~~((i / 4) / c.width);
// store/update those coordinates
// inside our bounding box Object
if (bound.top === null) {
bound.top = y;
if (bound.left === null) {
bound.left = x;
} else if (x < bound.left) {
bound.left = x;
if (bound.right === null) {
bound.right = x;
} else if (bound.right < x) {
bound.right = x;
if (bound.bottom === null) {
bound.bottom = y;
} else if (bound.bottom < y) {
bound.bottom = y;
// actual height and width of the text
// (the zone that is actually filled with pixels)
var trimHeight = bound.bottom - bound.top,
trimWidth = bound.right - bound.left,
// get the zone (trimWidth x trimHeight) as an ImageData
// (Uint8ClampedArray of pixels) from our canvas
trimmed = ctx.getImageData(bound.left, bound.top, trimWidth, trimHeight);
// Draw back the ImageData into the canvas
copy.canvas.width = trimWidth;
copy.canvas.height = trimHeight;
copy.putImageData(trimmed, 0, 0);
// return the canvas element
return copy.canvas;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>