{ [MongoError: Btree::insert: key too large to index, failing beverages.recipes.$code_1 3271 { : "var gulp = require('gulp');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var browserSync = require('browser-sy..." }]
name: 'MongoError',
message: 'Btree::insert: key too large to index, failing beverages.recipes.$code_1 3271 { : "var gulp = require(\'gulp\');\nvar source = require(\'vinyl-source-stream\');\nvar browserify = require(\'browserify\');\nvar browserSync = require(\'browser-sy..." }',
driver: true,
code: 17280,
index: 0,
errmsg: 'Btree::insert: key too large to index, failing beverages.recipes.$code_1 3271 { : "var gulp = require(\'gulp\');\nvar source = require(\'vinyl-source-stream\');\nvar browserify = require(\'browserify\');\nvar browserSync = require(\'browser-sy..." }',
getOperation: [Function],
toJSON: [Function],
toString: [Function] }
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
let recipeSchema = new Schema({
title: { type: String, required: true },
author: { type: String},
tags: { type: String, required: true },
code: { type: String, required: true, unique: true, index: true },
created_at: Date,
updated_at: Date
recipeSchema.pre('save', function(next) {
var recipe = this;
// get the current date
var currentDate = new Date();
// change the updated_at field to current date
recipe.updated_at = currentDate;
// if created_at doesn't exist, add to that field
if (!recipe.created_at){
recipe.created_at = currentDate;
let Recipe = mongoose.model('Recipe', recipeSchema);
export default Recipe;
如果是found this on mongodb,但我不知道如何使用mongoose来使用它。这是正确的做法吗?
{ title: 'test',
tags: 'test',
code: 'var gulp = require(\'gulp\');\nvar source = require(\'vinyl-source-stream\');\nvar browserify = require(\'browserify\');\nvar browserSync = require(\'browser-sync\');\nvar nodemon = require(\'gulp-nodemon\');\nvar babelify = require(\'babelify\');\nvar eslint = require(\'gulp-eslint\');\nvar buffer = require(\'vinyl-buffer\');\nvar uglify = require(\'gulp-uglify\');\nvar sourcemaps = require(\'gulp-sourcemaps\');\nvar sass = require(\'gulp-ruby-sass\');\nvar config = require(\'./config\');\nvar imageop = require(\'gulp-image-optimization\');\nvar concat = require(\'gulp-concat\');\n\ngulp.task(\'images\', function(cb) {\n gulp.src(\'./src/assets/images/**/*\')\n .pipe( imageop({\n optimizationLevel: 5,\n progressive: true,\n interlaced: true\n }))\n .pipe(gulp.dest(\'./public/images/\'));\n});\n\n\ngulp.task(\'browser-sync\', [\'nodemon\'], function() {\n browserSync({\n files: [\'public/**/*.*\'],\n proxy: "localhost:" + config.APP_PORT, // local node app address\n port: 5000, // use *different* port than above\n notify: true,\n browser: "google chrome",\n });\n});\n\ngulp.task(\'nodemon\', function(cb) {\n var called = false;\n return nodemon({\n script: \'./index.js\',\n ignore: [\n \'gulpfile.js\',\n \'node_modules/\',\n \'public/,\'\n ]\n })\n .on(\'start\', function () {\n if (!called) {\n called = true;\n cb();\n }\n })\n .on(\'restart\', function () {\n setTimeout(function () {\n browserSync.reload({ stream: false });\n }, 200);\n });\n});\n\n\ngulp.task(\'browserify\', function () {\n return browserify({entries: \'./src/client/app.js\', extensions: [\'.js\'], debug: true})\n .transform(babelify)\n .bundle()\n .pipe(source(\'app.min.js\'))\n .pipe(buffer())\n .pipe(sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true}))\n // Add transformation tasks to the pipeline here.\n .pipe(uglify())\n .pipe(sourcemaps.write(\'./\'))\n .pipe(gulp.dest(\'./public/js\'));\n});\n\ngulp.task(\'lint\', function (cb) {\n return gulp.src([\'./src/**/*.js\'])\n .pipe(eslint())\n .pipe(eslint.format())\n .pipe(eslint.failOnError());\n});\n\ngulp.task(\'sass\', function () {\n return sass(\'./src/assets/sass/style.sass\', { sourcemap: true, style: \'compressed\' })\n .on(\'error\', sass.logError)\n .pipe(sourcemaps.write(\'./\', {\n includeContent: false,\n sourceRoot: \'source\'\n }))\n .pipe(gulp.dest(\'./public/css/\'));\n});\n\ngulp.task(\'scripts\', function(){\n return gulp.src([\'./src/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js\',\'./src/assets/js/checkbox.js\',\'./src/assets/js/radio.js\',\'./src/assets/js/bootstrap-switch.js\',\'./src/assets/js/toolbar.js\',\'./src/assets/js/application.js\'])\n .pipe(sourcemaps.init())\n .pipe(concat(\'assets.min.js\'))\n .pipe(gulp.dest(\'./public/js/\'))\n .pipe(uglify())\n .pipe(sourcemaps.write(\'./\'))\n .pipe(gulp.dest(\'./public/js/\'));\n});\n\ngulp.task(\'fonts\', function() {\n return gulp.src(\'./src/assets/fonts/**/*\').pipe(gulp.dest(\'./public/fonts/\'));\n});\n\ngulp.task(\'watch\', function() {\n gulp.watch([\'./src/**/*.js\'], [\'lint\', \'browserify\', \'scripts\', browserSync.reload]);\n gulp.watch([\'./src/assets/sass/**/*.sass\'], [\'sass\', browserSync.reload]);\n});\n\ngulp.task(\'serve\', [\'browser-sync\', \'watch\']);\n\ngulp.task(\'default\', [\'browserify\', \'nodemon\', \'sass\', \'scripts\', \'fonts\', \'images\', \'watch\']);' }
答案 0 :(得分:3)
值的大小约为3KB。 Mongo的限制为index fields must not exceed 1KB。 3> 1因此,您收到此错误。
字段答案 1 :(得分:0)
对于索引代码字段,请使用文本索引。对于唯一使用哈希表单代码。 例如:
import crypto from 'crypto';
let recipeSchema = new Schema({
title: { type: String, required: true },
author: { type: String},
tags: { type: String, required: true },
code: { type: String, required: true },
codeHash: {type: String, unique: true },
created_at: Date,
updated_at: Date
recipeSchema.index({code: 'text'}
recipeSchema.pre('save', function(
var recipe = this;
// get the current date
var currentDate = new Date();
// change the updated_at field to current date
recipe.updated_at = currentDate;
// if created_at doesn't exist, add to that field
if (!recipe.created_at){
recipe.created_at = currentDate;
var hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(this.code).digest("hex")
this.codeHash = hash;