为什么这个PHP API调用Instagram带来了错误的用户提要?

时间:2015-11-16 22:12:53

标签: php api instagram instagram-api

我正在使用this script在我的网站上显示Instagram Feed。我今天注意到错误的图像正在加载,我发现被拉入的图像在我的名字中有我们的用户名。例如,我们的是 instagramuser ,他们是 name_instagramuser 。这是我能想到它为什么要带来照片的唯一原因。


        //The demonstration starts here
        //1 - Settings (please update to math your own)
        $username='instagramuser'; //Provide your instagram username
        $access_token='token'; //Provide your instagram access token
        $count='4'; //How many shots do you want?
        //2 - Include the php class
        //3 - Instanciate
        if(!empty($username) && $username!='yourusername' && !empty($access_token) && $access_token!='youraccesstoken'){
        $isg = new instagramPhp($username,$access_token); //instanciates the class with the parameters
        $shots = $isg->getUserMedia(array('count'=>$count)); //Get the shots from instagram
        } else {
        echo'Please update your settings to provide a valid username and access token';
        //4 - Display
        if(!empty($shots)){ echo $isg->simpleDisplay($shots); }


/* From http://noe-interactive.com/comment-integrer-ses-photos-instagram-sur-son-site */

class instagramPhp{

     * Attributes
    private $username, //Instagram username
            $access_token, //Your access token
            $userid; //Instagram userid

     * Constructor
    function __construct($username='',$access_token='') {
        if(empty($username) || empty($access_token)){
            $this->error('empty username or access token');
        } else {
            $this->access_token = $access_token;

     * The api works mostly with user ids, but it's easier for users to use their username.
     * This function gets the userid corresponding to the username
    public function getUserIDFromUserName(){
        if(strlen($this->username)>0 && strlen($this->access_token)>0){
            //Search for the username
            $useridquery = $this->queryInstagram('https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/search?q='.$this->username.'&access_token='.$this->access_token);
            if(!empty($useridquery) && $useridquery->meta->code=='200' && $useridquery->data[0]->id>0){
            } else {
                //Not found
        } else {
            $this->error('empty username or access token');

     * Get the most recent media published by a user.
     * you can use the $args array to pass the attributes that are used by the GET/users/user-id/media/recent method
    public function getUserMedia($args=array()){
            //If no user id, get user id
        if($this->userid>0 && strlen($this->access_token)>0){
            if(!empty($args)){ $qs = '&'.http_build_query($args); } //Adds query string if any args are specified
            $shots = $this->queryInstagram('https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/'.(int)$this->userid.'/media/recent?access_token='.$this->access_token.$qs); //Get shots
                return $shots;
            } else {
        } else {
            $this->error('empty username or access token');

     * Method that simply displays the shots in a ul.
     * Used for simplicity and demo purposes
     * You should probably move the markup out of this class to use it directly in your page markup
    public function simpleDisplay($shots){
        $simpleDisplay = '';
            $simpleDisplay.='<ul class="instagram_shots">';
                foreach($shots->data as $istg){
                    //The image
                    $istg_thumbnail = $istg->{'images'}->{'low_resolution'}->{'url'}; //Thumbnail
                    //If you want to display another size, you can use 'low_resolution', or 'standard_resolution' in place of 'thumbnail'

                    //The link
                    $istg_link = $istg->{'link'}; //Link to the picture's instagram page, to link to the picture image only, use $istg->{'images'}->{'standard_resolution'}->{'url'}

                    //The caption
                    $istg_caption = $istg->{'caption'}->{'text'};

                    //The markup
                    $simpleDisplay.='<li><a class="instalink" href="'.$istg_link.'" target="_blank"><img src="'.$istg_thumbnail.'" alt="'.$istg_caption.'" title="'.$istg_caption.'" /></a></li>
        } else {
        return $simpleDisplay;

     * Common mechanism to query the instagram api
    public function queryInstagram($url){
        //prepare caching
        $cachefolder = __DIR__.'/cache/';
        $cachekey = md5($url);
        $cachefile = $cachefolder.$cachekey.'_'.date('i').'.txt'; //cached for one minute

        //If not cached, -> instagram request
            if(!extension_loaded('openssl')){ $request = 'This class requires the php extension open_ssl to work as the instagram api works with httpS.'; }
            else { $request = file_get_contents($url); }

            //remove old caches
            $oldcaches = glob($cachefolder.$cachekey."*.txt");
            if(!empty($oldcaches)){foreach($oldcaches as $todel){

            //Cache result
            $rh = fopen($cachefile,'w+');
        //Execute and return query
        $query = json_decode(file_get_contents($cachefile));
        return $query;

     * Error
    public function error($src=''){
        echo '/!\ error '.$src.'. ';



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