
时间:2015-11-16 15:46:39

标签: vb.net structure



Module NavigateStruct
    Structure longStructure
        Dim a As String
        Dim b As nestedStructure
        Structure nestedStructure
            Dim c As Double
            Dim d As nestednestedStructure
            Structure nestednestedStructure
                Dim e As Integer
            End Structure
        End Structure
    End Structure

Sub navigateStructure() Dim myStruct As longStructure myStruct.b.c = 5.0 ' somthing read from the text file Dim str As String = "b-c" Dim val1 As Double = 15.0 Dim val2 As Double Dim splt() As String = str.Split(CChar("-")) ' splt ={"b", "c"} ' some Code to navigate to and set or retrieve value ' (use values in splt as fieldname) ' retrieve (that's not how it actually works, only something in simple pseudo code. Is there a way to write it in 'real' VB.net?) val2=myStruct.[splt(0)].[splt(1)] ' set (pseudo code as well, but how does it work?) myStruct.[splt(0)].[splt(1)] = val1 ' val2 = 5 ' myStruct.b.c = 15 End Sub Sub writeStructureToString() ' some code running thru all elements of the structure including nested ones and writing 'parentname'-'childname' value ' result ' str = "a something" ' "b-c 5.0" ' "d-e 0" ' "... ..." End Sub


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