为什么我的函数if / else if / else if语句返回相同的答案?

时间:2015-11-15 03:41:25

标签: javascript function if-statement

我有一个摇滚,纸张,剪刀游戏设置,用户点击标有" Rock"," Paper"," Scissors"这导致userChoice。 当我运行程序时,compareChoices()函数总是返回"结果是平局,让我们再次玩!",我不明白为什么。

  < article >
    < button onclick = "rockPaperScissors('Rock')" > Rock < /button>
    <button onclick="rockPaperScissors('Paper')">Paper</button >
    < button onclick = "rockPaperScissors('Scissors')" > Scissors < /button>
  </article >

    < script type = "text/javascript" >
    function rockPaperScissors(userchoice) {
      alert("You chose " + userchoice + " ...the computer chose " + getComputerChoice() + ".");

  function getComputerChoice() {
    var computerChoice = Math.random();
    if (computerChoice < 0.34) {
      computerChoice = "Rock";
    } else if (computerChoice < 0.67) {
      computerChoice = "Paper";
    } else {
      computerChoice = "Scissors";
    return computerChoice;

  function compareChoices(userChoice, ComputerChoice) {
    if (userChoice === ComputerChoice) {
      alert("The result is a tie, let's play again!");
    } else if (userChoice === "Rock") {
      if (ComputerChoice === "Scissors") {
        alert("Congratulations, you win!");
      } else {
        alert("The computer wins! Care to play again?");
    } else if (userChoice === "Scissors") {
      if (ComputerChoice === "Rock") {
        alert("The computer wins, let's play again!");
      } else {
        alert("Yippie! You win!");
    } else if (userChoice === "Paper") {
      if (ComputerChoice === "Rock") {
        alert("The computer wins. Don't give up, try again!");
      } else {
        alert("Hail the all mighty visitor. Give it another go!");
  } < /script>

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  < article >
    < button onclick = "rockPaperScissors('Rock')" > Rock < /button>
    <button onclick="rockPaperScissors('Paper')">Paper</button >
    < button onclick = "rockPaperScissors('Scissors')" > Scissors < /button>
  </article >

    < script type = "text/javascript" >
    function rockPaperScissors(userchoice) {
      var computerChoice = getComputerChoice();
      alert("You chose " + userchoice + " ...the computer chose " + computerChoice + ".");
      compareChoices(userChoice, computerChoice);

  function getComputerChoice() {
    var computerChoice = Math.random();
    if (computerChoice < 0.34) {
      computerChoice = "Rock";
    } else if (computerChoice < 0.67) {
      computerChoice = "Paper";
    } else {
      computerChoice = "Scissors";
    return computerChoice;

  function compareChoices(userChoice, ComputerChoice) {
    if (userChoice === ComputerChoice) {
      alert("The result is a tie, let's play again!");
    } else if (userChoice === "Rock") {
      if (ComputerChoice === "Scissors") {
        alert("Congratulations, you win!");
      } else {
        alert("The computer wins! Care to play again?");
    } else if (userChoice === "Scissors") {
      if (ComputerChoice === "Rock") {
        alert("The computer wins, let's play again!");
      } else {
        alert("Yippie! You win!");
    } else if (userChoice === "Paper") {
      if (ComputerChoice === "Rock") {
        alert("The computer wins. Don't give up, try again!");
      } else {
        alert("Hail the all mighty visitor. Give it another go!");
  } < /script>

答案 1 :(得分:1)


function rockPaperScissors(userchoice) {
      alert("You chose " + userchoice + " ...the computer chose " + getComputerChoice() + ".");
      compareChoices(userchoice, getComputerChoice());


function compareChoices(userChoice, ComputerChoice) {
    var message;
    if (userChoice === ComputerChoice) {
      message = "Computer: " + ComputerChoice + ", User: " + userChoice + " - The result is a tie, let's play again!";
    } else if (userChoice === "Rock") {
      if (ComputerChoice === "Scissors") {
        message = "Computer: " + ComputerChoice + ", User: " + userChoice + " - Congratulations, you win!";
      } else {
        message = "Computer: " + ComputerChoice + ", User: " + userChoice + " - The computer wins! Care to play again?");
    } else if (userChoice === "Scissors") {
      if (ComputerChoice === "Rock") {
        message = "Computer: " + ComputerChoice + ", User: " + userChoice + " - The computer wins, let's play again!";
      } else {
        message = "Computer: " + ComputerChoice + ", User: " + userChoice + " - Yippie! You win!";
    } else if (userChoice === "Paper") {
      if (ComputerChoice === "Rock") {
        message = "Computer: " + ComputerChoice + ", User: " + userChoice + " - The computer wins. Don't give up, try again!";
      } else {
        message = "Computer: " + ComputerChoice + ", User: " + userChoice + " - Hail the all mighty visitor. Give it another go!";

答案 2 :(得分:1)


function rockPaperScissors(userchoice) {
       var computerchoice = getComputerChoice();
       alert("You chose " + userchoice + " ...the computer chose " + computerchoice + ".");
       compareChoices(userchoice, computerchoice);