我正在尝试仅提取名为' 1'的特定文件夹。从保存在文件夹中的每个压缩文件。此文件夹(' 1')还包含其他文件夹和csv文件。
当提取开始时,会创建其他文件夹,但是,我收到此错误,我无法解决它: -
zipfile.BadZipfile:目录中的文件名" 1 / abc / xyz.csv"和标题" 1 \ abc \ xyz.csv"不同
# Import relevant modules
import zipfile
import os
# Path where the zipped files are
zipped_folder_path = "C:/path/folder_containing_zip_files/"
# pick up 1 zip file at a time form the folder to work with
for zfile in os.listdir(zipped_folder_path):
# Initialialize the input zipfile to read mode
zip_in = zipfile.ZipFile (zipped_folder_path + zfile, 'r')
# Find the new folder name as string - from the reverse -> -4 = '.zip' removed
folder_name = (zipped_folder_path + zfile)[-12:-4]
print folder_name
# Make the destination directory - check if it exists before that
directory = 'C:/path/destination/'
if not os.path.exists(directory):
# Work with all folders & files in the ziparchive 1 by 1
for item in zip_in.infolist():
# If the folder name is '1' - extract it with folder name.
# Donot extract other files / folders
if (item.filename[0:2] == '1/'):
zip_in.extract(item, directory + folder_name)
# close the zip archives when done