
时间:2015-11-14 20:49:31

标签: python random

我正在尝试用Python创建一个 Heads or Tails 程序。我是一个新手,我刚刚进入Python。我试图实现的是让程序选择 Heads Tails 而我不知道它(是的,import random等)并且我想猜测时只有一次尝试。这是我迄今取得的成就,但它并不是我所期待的。有什么想法吗?我已经尝试实现我在Python网站上找到的不同随机参数,但它们不起作用(例如整数randint)...谢谢!

print """
Welcome to our game. This is a heads or tails game and you will be the one who gets to pick a possible answer. Lets begin!

print "~-~-~-~-" * 10

theirGuess = raw_input("Whats your guess? :   ")
ourAnswer = "Heads"   # For Debugging purposes to check if the program works
notCorrectAnswer = "Tails"  # To eliminate the possibility of not being either tails or heads in case of mistaken answer 

if theirGuess == ourAnswer:
      print "You got it!"
elif theirGuess != notCorrectAnswer and ourAnswer:
    print "You didnt get it! Try entering either Tails or Heads!"
    print "You didnt get it! Try again next time!"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


import random
ch = random.choice(["Heads","Tails"])


答案 1 :(得分:0)

要让整个事情继续下去,直到被用户退出,并包括@ Baruchel的答案:

import random
print """
Welcome to our game. This is a heads or tails game and you will be the one who gets to pick a possible answer. Lets begin!
cont = 1 #To force the game to run for one round without user input
while(cont == 1): #cont is used to take user choice, whether to run it again or not
    print "~-~-~-~-" * 10

    theirGuess = raw_input("Whats your guess? :   ")
    ourAnswer = random.choice(["Heads","Tails"])
    if ourAnswer == "Heads":
        notCorrectAnswer = "Tails"
        notCorrectAnswer = "Heads"

    if theirGuess == ourAnswer:
        print "You got it!"
    elif theirGuess != notCorrectAnswer and ourAnswer:
        print "You didnt get it! Try entering either Tails or Heads!"
        print "You didnt get it! Try again next time!"

    cont = input("Do you want to continue? Press 1 if yes, press 0 if no.: ") #Take user choice on whether to run it again or not
    while (cont != 0 and cont != 1): # If user puts in a different number (neither 1 or 0), make them enter until they put a right choice
        cont = input("Please try again. Press 1 if yes, press 0 if no.: ")