flag = 0
small_chars = [chr(item) for item in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)]
upper_chars = [item.upper() for item in small_chars]
def encryptionfunction(chr_item, is_upper_case):
Cipher each chr_item.
# setting orig and end order.
if is_upper_case:
orig_ord = ord('A')
end_ord = ord('Z')
orig_ord = ord('a')
end_ord = ord('z')
# calculating shift
temp_ord = ord(chr_item)+shift
# calculating offset order with modulo.
# char is after end_ord, calculating offset
num_of_chars = 26
offset_ord = (temp_ord - end_ord - 1)%num_of_chars
return chr(orig_ord + offset_ord)
# enable while loop to repeat until status not 'y'
status = 'y'
while status == 'y':
# enter word to cipher.
word = input("Word: ")
# enter char shift
shift = 5
# create cipher list variable
cipher = list()
# loop trough each char in word
for chr_item in word:
# encode just letters.
# replace non-alfa with underscore: "_"
if chr_item in upper_chars or chr_item in small_chars:
# set is_uppser_case to True for upper case chars.
is_upper_case = (chr_item in upper_chars) and True
# cipher char.
temp_chr = encryptionfunction(chr_item, is_upper_case)
# append ciphered char to list
elif chr_item is ' ':
# print ciphered word
print (''.join(cipher))
def decryptionfunction(chr_item, is_upper_case):
Cipher each chr_item.
# setting orig and end order.
if is_upper_case:
orig_ord = ord('A')
end_ord = ord('Z')
orig_ord = ord('a')
end_ord = ord('z')
# calculating shift
temp_ord = ord(chr_item)+shift
# calculating offset order with modulo.
# char is after end_ord, calculating offset
num_of_chars = 26
offset_ord = (temp_ord - end_ord - 1)%num_of_chars
return chr(orig_ord - offset_ord)
# enable while loop to repeat until status not 'y'
status = 'y'
while status == 'y':
# enter word to cipher.
word = input("Word: ")
# enter char shift
shift = 5
# create cipher list variable
cipher = list()
# loop trough each char in word
for chr_item in word:
# encode just letters.
# replace non-alfa with underscore: "_"
if chr_item in upper_chars or chr_item in small_chars:
# set is_uppser_case to True for upper case chars.
is_upper_case = (chr_item in upper_chars) and True
# cipher char.
temp_chr = encryptionfunction(chr_item, is_upper_case)
# append ciphered char to list
elif chr_item is ' ':
# print ciphered word
print (''.join(cipher))
while flag == 0:
answer=input("Would you like to encrypt(1) or decrypt(2)?: ")
if answer == "encrypt":
flag = 1
encryptionfunction(chr_item, is_upper_case)
elif answer == "1":
flag = 1
encryptionfunction(chr_item, is_upper_case)
elif answer == "decrypt":
flag = 2
decryptionfunction(chr_item, is_upper_case)
elif answer == "2":
flag = 2
decryptionfunction(chr_item, is_upper_case)
print("Please enter a vaild answer. ")