
时间:2015-11-13 20:08:14

标签: ios xcode7 xcodebuild

我从命令行运行以下命令来构建/测试我的工作区。我们的想法是将其最终移植到CI系统。但是,其中一个运行成功但是以下所有运行都失败了。它们以奇怪的方式失败,因为构建作为命令的一部分完成但是,然后,我看到启动模拟器的消息,我看到模拟器,但测试永远不会在它上面运行。该命令要么永久挂在它上面,要么失败而没有错误消息。我在命令之前尝试使用old_rdd = sc.parallelize([(1, [1, -2]), (2, [5, 7]), (3, [8, 23]), (4, [-1, 90])]) # It will provide all the permutations, but combinations are a subset of the permutations, so we need to filter. combined_rdd = old_rdd.cartesian(old_ combinations = combined_rdd.filter(lambda (s1, s2): s1[0] < s2[0]) combinations.collect() # The output will be... # ----------------------------- # [((1, [1, -2]), (2, [5, 7])), # ((1, [1, -2]), (3, [8, 23])), # ((1, [1, -2]), (4, [-1, 90])), # ((2, [5, 7]), (3, [8, 23])), # ((2, [5, 7]), (4, [-1, 90])), # ((3, [8, 23]), (4, [-1, 90]))] # Now we need to set the tuple as you want combinations = combinations.map(lambda (s1, s1): ((s1[0], s2[0]), (s1[1], s2[1]))).collect() # The output will be... # ---------------------- # [((1, 2), ([1, -2], [5, 7])), # ((1, 3), ([1, -2], [8, 23])), # ((1, 4), ([1, -2], [-1, 90])), # ((2, 3), ([5, 7], [8, 23])), # ((2, 4), ([5, 7], [-1, 90])), # ((3, 4), ([8, 23], [-1, 90]))] 来确保模拟器是干净的。我还试图避免指定xcrun simctl erase allderivedDatapath希望这会使构建变得干净但是到目前为止,我被困在这里。


我看到的最后一个错误是xcodebuild test -workspace <workspace-name> -scheme <scheme-name> -configuration Coverage -sdk iphonesimulator -destination platform='iOS Simulator',OS=9.0,name='iPhone 6'



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


xcodebuild -workspace <workspace-name> -scheme <scheme-name> -configuration Coverage -sdk iphonesimulator -destination platform='iOS Simulator',OS=9.0,name='iPhone 6' test