var test = '<button id="myButton_" class="myButtonsClass" type="button">testButton</button>';
我希望它看起来像button id="myButton_123"
答案 0 :(得分:4)
// This will hold our buttons, so we aren't thrashing the DOM
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
// Lets cycle over a collection of ids
[ 23, 57, 92 ].forEach(function ( id ) {
// Create a button, and get ready to manipulate it
var button = document.createElement( "button" );
// Set a few properties, and the content
button.id = "myButton_" + id;
button.textContent = "Test Button";
button.className = "myButtonsClass";
// Push this button into the fragment
fragment.appendChild( button );
// Now we touch the DOM once by adding the fragment
document.body.appendChild( fragment );
在现代ES6 +环境中,您可以在situe 插值中使用的模板文字字符串:
var id = "73868CB1848A216984DCA1B6B0EE37BC";
var button = `<button id='myButton${ id }'>Click Me</button>`;
话虽如此,我仍然鼓励你将任务分解为更小,更易消耗的部分,并使用DOM apis来构建元素。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#ifndef SIZE_MAX
#define SIZE_MAX ((size_t)-1)
#undef MAX
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
struct st_char_vector {
char *buf;
size_t capacity;
size_t length;
/*@ predicate valid_char_vector(struct st_char_vector *vec) =
@ \valid_read(vec) &&
@ vec->capacity > 0 &&
@ \valid(vec->buf + (0..vec->capacity - 1)) &&
@ vec->length <= vec->capacity;
//@ ghost extern int mem_full;
/*@ requires valid_char_vector(vec);
@ requires new_capacity >= vec->capacity;
@ assigns mem_full;
@ ensures valid_char_vector(vec);
@ ensures \old(vec->length) == vec->length;
@ ensures valid_char_vector(vec);
@ ensures memcmp{Pre,Post}(\at(vec->buf,Pre), vec->buf, vec->length) == 0;
@ behavior err:
assumes mem_full;
@ ensures !\result;
@ ensures \old(vec->buf) == vec->buf;
@ ensures \old(vec->capacity) == vec->capacity;
@ behavior ok:
assumes !mem_full;
@ ensures \result;
@ ensures vec->capacity >= new_capacity;
@ complete behaviors;
@ disjoint behaviors;
static int char_vector_reallocate(struct st_char_vector *vec, size_t new_capacity);
/*@ requires valid_char_vector(vec);
@ requires \valid_read(str + (0..str_length - 1));
@ requires string_separated_from_extra_capacity:
@ \separated(str + (0..str_length - 1), vec->buf + (vec->length..vec->capacity - 1));
@ ensures valid_char_vector(vec);
@ ensures old_content_unchanged: memcmp{Pre,Post}(\at(vec->buf,Pre), vec->buf, \old(vec->length)) == 0;
@ ensures \forall integer i; 0 <= i && i < \old(vec->length) ==> \old(vec->buf[i]) == vec->buf[i];
@ behavior err:
assumes vec->capacity+str_length>SIZE_MAX ||
(vec->length+str_length>vec->capacity && mem_full);
@ ensures !\result;
@ ensures buf_unchanged: \old(vec->buf) == vec->buf;
@ ensures capacity_unchanged: \old(vec->capacity) == vec->capacity;
@ ensures length_unchanged: \old(vec->length) == vec->length;
@ behavior ok:
assumes vec->capacity+str_length<=SIZE_MAX &&
(vec->length+str_length<=vec->capacity || !mem_full);
@ ensures \result;
@ ensures str_length_added_to_length: vec->length == \old(vec->length) + str_length;
@ ensures string_appended: memcmp{Post,Post}(vec->buf + \at(vec->length, Pre), str, str_length) == 0;
@ complete behaviors;
@ disjoint behaviors;
int char_vector_append(struct st_char_vector *vec, const char *str, size_t str_length) {
if (SIZE_MAX - str_length < vec->capacity) {
return 0;
if (vec->capacity < (vec->length + str_length)) {
if (!char_vector_reallocate(vec, vec->capacity + str_length)) {
return 0;
memcpy(vec->buf + vec->length, str, str_length);
vec->length += str_length;
return 1;