问题概述:5个按钮中的4个在IE 9-11中成功打开请求的报告; 5个按钮中的5个在FF,Chrome和Safari中成功打开请求的报告。 所有按钮ONCE在所有浏览器中导出。
'Event Registration' Button is the Culprit!
通过此模板/ x-export.php文件调用该页面
// increase memory for this program in order to support large data arrays
ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
// set admin flag
$x_flag->flag_set('x-admin', true);
// set module flag
$x_flag->flag_set('x-module', 'export');
// set submodule flag
$x_flag->flag_set('x-submodule', 'export');
// set route flags
$x_flag->flag_set('x-route', 'x-export');
$x_flag->flag_set('x-route-group', 'x-export');
// set page title
$x_template->template_page_title_set(___('Export Data'));
// check if admin logged in
if (!$x_admin->admin_id())
$x_cookie->cookie_set_session('adminurl', $x_url->url_current());
// check access
// init export
// x_Access::access_admin_check('custom_information_upload_add');
// $_sections = x_Json::json_smart_load_array('client_information_files');
// $_sections = $x_config->___CONFIG['x_export_sections'];
//print "<pre>";print_r($_sections);exit;
// process upload file
if ($x_form->form_int('update'))
//print "<pre>";print_r($_POST);print_r($_FILES);exit;
//print "(" . $x_form->form_str('section') . ")";exit;
if ($x_form->form_str('section'))
$_section = $x_form->form_str('section');
if (isset(x_Export::$sections[$_section]))
// set section data array variables
$_sectionname = x_Export::name($_section);
$_sectionfields = x_Export::fields($_section);
$_sectionfieldnames = x_Export::fieldnames($_section);
$_sectionfieldtypes = x_Export::fieldtypes($_section);
// $_tmp_file = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'];
// $_title = $_sectionname . ' - Exported From ' . $x_config->config_str('company_name');
$_title = $_sectionname . ' Data';
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
// Set properties
* Fill worksheet from values in array
* @param array $source Source array
* @param mixed $nullValue Value in source array that stands for blank cell
* @param string $startCell Insert array starting from this cell address as the top left coordinate
* @param boolean $strictNullComparison Apply strict comparison when testing for null values in the array
* @throws Exception
* @return PHPExcel_Worksheet
// init data array
$_data = x_Array::array_init();
// query database
$_query = "SELECT * FROM `" . $x_db->db_escape($_section) . "` ORDER BY id ASC";
// init header field names
$_headerfields = x_Array::array_init();
//___oldway___ $_query = "SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE newssectionid = '" . $x_db->db_escape(x_NewsSection::newssection_id()) . "' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $_start . "," . $_perpage;
$_result = $x_db->db_query($_query);
while ($_sectiondata = $x_db->db_fetch_assoc($_result))
// extract allowed field names
if (!x_Array::array_size($_headerfields))
foreach ($_sectiondata as $_key => $_value)
if (in_array($_key, $_sectionfields))
// $_headerfields[] = $_key;
$_headerfields[] = $_sectionfieldnames[$_key];
// extract allowed fields and add them to the data array
$_rowdata = x_Array::array_init();
foreach ($_sectiondata as $_key => $_value)
if (in_array($_key, $_sectionfields))
if (isset($_sectionfieldtypes[$_key]))
if (!empty($_sectionfieldtypes[$_key]))
$_type = $_sectionfieldtypes[$_key];
if ($_type == 'datecode')
//-YYYY/MM/DD $_value = substr($_value, 0, 4) . '/' . substr($_value, 4, 2) . '/' . substr($_value, 6, 2);
$_value = substr($_value, 4, 2) . '/' . substr($_value, 6, 2) . '/' . substr($_value, 0, 4);
elseif ($_type == 'timestamp')
//-another-option- $_value = date("m/d/Y - H:i:s", $_value);
$_value = intval($_value) ? date("m/d/Y h:i:sa", $_value) : '';
elseif ($_type == 'yesno')
$_value = intval($_value) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
elseif ($_type == 'dollar')
$_value = '$' . number_format($_value);
elseif ($_type == 'dollarcent')
$_value = '$' . number_format($_value, 2);
elseif ($_type == 'commas')
$_value = number_format($_value);
elseif ($_type == 'uppercase')
$_value = strtoupper($_value);
elseif ($_type == 'lowercase')
$_value = strtolower($_value);
elseif ($_type == 'decimal1')
$_value = number_format($_value, 1);
elseif ($_type == 'decimal2')
$_value = number_format($_value, 2);
elseif ($_type == 'eventname')
$_value = strlen(x_Event::str('name')) ? x_Event::str('name') : $_value;
elseif ($_type == 'eventsectionname')
$_value = strlen(x_EventSection::name()) ? x_EventSection::name() : $_value;
elseif ($_type == 'locationname')
$_value = x_Location::str('name');
elseif (preg_match("/^json\:/i", $_type))
@list(,$_jsonfile,$_jsonfield) = explode(':', $_type, 3);
$_subdata = x_Json::json_smart_load_array($_jsonfile);
//if ($_value) { print "($_jsonfile)\n"; print_r($_subdata);exit;print "($_value)($_jsonfield)";exit; }
if (is_array($_subdata))
if (isset($_subdata[$_value]))
if (empty($_jsonfield))
$_value = $_subdata[$_value];
if (isset($_subdata[$_value][$_jsonfield]))
$_value = $_subdata[$_value][$_jsonfield];
$_rowdata[] = $_value;
$_data[] = $_rowdata;
array_unshift($_data, $_headerfields);
if (x_Array::array_size($_data))
$_rowdata = x_Array::array_init();
foreach ($_sectionfields as $_key => $_value)
if (in_array($_key, $_sectionfields))
$_rowdata[] = $_sectiondata_key;
array_unshift($_rowdata, $_data);
//-debug- print_r($_data);exit;
$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->fromArray($_data, NULL, 'A1');
$objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007($objPHPExcel);
$_filename = x_Str::str_seo($_title) . '.xlsx';
$_filepath = $x_config->path_upload_custom($_filename);
echo $x_config->config_str('route_upload') . '/' . $_filename;
// header("Content-Type: application/; charset=utf-8");
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $_filename);
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Cache-Control: private", false);
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($_filepath));
// $x_route->route_go('/x-export');
// redirect user to exported data file for download
// $x_route->route_go($x_config->config_str('route_upload') . '/' . $_filename);
// done
$reader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($_tmp_file);
$sheet = $reader->getActiveSheet();
$_data = $sheet->toArray(null, true, true, true);
//print "<pre>";print_r($_data);exit;
$_headers = $_data[1];
// $_headers = array_shift($_data);
//print "Headers<pre>";print_r($_headers);exit;
$_field = false;
if (isset($_sections[$_section]['group_field']))
if (!empty($_sections[$_section]['group_field']))
//print "<pre>";print_r($_sections[$_section]);exit;
foreach ($_headers as $_key => $_value)
if (!empty($_value))
if (strtolower($_value) == strtolower($_sections[$_section]['group_field']))
//print "key($_key) = value($_value)<br />";
$_field = $_key;
foreach ($_data as $_key => $_subdata)
foreach ($_subdata as $_subkey => $_subvalue)
$_data[$_key][$_subkey] = x_Str::str_filter_html($_subvalue);
file_put_contents($x_config->path($_section . '.dat', 'file/information/'), serialize($_data));
//print "($_tmp_file)";exit;
// done, show continue page
// $_returl = strlen($x_cookie->cookie_str('x_lasturl')) ? $x_cookie->cookie_str('x_lasturl') : '/';
// $x_template->continue_page(___('File Uploaded'), ___("Your <strong>" . $_sections[$_section]['name'] . "</strong> file has been uploaded and imported successfully!", ___('File Uploaded')), '', '/x-export');
// display template
<section id="x-export">
<div class="page-body">
<header id="page-body-header">
<h4>Use this area to export data from the database.</h4>
// $_sections = x_Json::json_smart_load_array('client_information_files');
// $_sections = $x_config->___CONFIG['x_export_sections'];
$_sections = x_Array::array_init();
foreach ($x_config->___CONFIG as $_key => $_value)
if (preg_match("/^x_export_section_/i", $_key))
$_section = preg_replace("/^x_export_section_/i", "", $_key);
if (!preg_match("/\_/", $_section))
if ($x_config->config_int('x_export_section_' . $_section . '_active'))
$_sections[$_section] = $x_config->config_str('x_export_section_' . $_section . '_name');
if (is_array(x_Export::$sections))
//print "<pre>";print_r($_sections);exit;
foreach (x_Export::$sections as $_section => $_sectiondata)
//print "<pre>";print_r($_sectiondata);exit;
$_sectionname = $_sectiondata['name'];
//-replaced- if ($x_config->config_int('x_export_' . $_section . '_active'))
//-replaced- {
$_filetime = file_exists($x_config->path($_section . '.dat', 'file/information/')) ? filemtime($x_config->path($_section . '.dat', 'file/information/')) : 0;
$_timestr = intval($_filetime) ? '<span>' . date('Y-m-d', $_filetime) . '</span>' : '';
// $_timestr = intval($_filetime) ? '<span>(' . date('Y-m-d', $_filetime) . ' / ' . date('h:ia', $_filetime) . ')</span>' : '';
<div class="x-export-section">
<form role="form" method="post" class="x-form" id="x-<?= $_section; ?>-form">
<input id="x-<?= $_section; ?>-update" type="hidden" name="update" value="1" />
<input id="x-<?= $_section; ?>-sessionid" type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="<?= $x_user->user_sessionid(); ?>" />
<input id="x-<?= $_section; ?>-authcode" type="hidden" name="authcode" value="<?= $x_user->user_authcode(); ?>" />
<input id="x-<?= $_section; ?>-section" type="hidden" name="section" value="<?= $_section; ?>" />
<div class="x-field">
<input id="x-<?= $_section; ?>-submit" class="x-button-submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="<?= $_sectionname; ?>" />
$('[id^=x-][id$=-submit]').on('click', function(evt)
var x_section = $(this).attr('id').replace(/^x-/gm, '').replace(/-submit$/gm, '');
var x_last_progress_pct = 0;
type: 'post',
url: '/x-export',
data: {
update: 1,
imageupload: 1,
sessionid: $('#x-' + x_section + '-sessionid').val(),
authcode: $('#x-' + x_section + '-authcode').val(),
section: $('#x-' + x_section + '-section').val()
success: function(strUrl)
if (!$('#x-export-download-frame'))
$('body').append('<iframe id="x-export-download-frame" style="display: none"><iframe>')
$('body').append('<iframe id="x-export-download-frame" style="display: none"><iframe>')
$('#x-export-download-frame').attr('src', strUrl);
// $('#x-export-download-frame').attr('src', '/upload/events-data.xlsx');
// $("#iframeID").attr('src', 'downloadFileURL');
return false;
$('#x-' + x_section + '-form').ajaxForm({
data: {
update: 1,
imageupload: 1,
sessionid: $('#x-' + x_section + '-sessionid').val(),
authcode: $('#x-' + x_section + '-authcode').val()
section: $('#x-' + x_section + '-section').val()
beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options)
uploadProgress: function (event, position, total, percentComplete)
success: function(strData)