
时间:2015-11-12 17:21:16

标签: triggers salesforce apex soql






  1. 当我尝试更新具有空值排名的案例,使其现在的值介于1-10之间时,我收到此错误:

    保存受影响的记录时遇到自定义验证错误。遇到的第一个验证错误是“Apex触发器CaseRankingTrigger导致意外异常,请联系您的管理员:CaseRankingTrigger:执行BeforeUpdate导致:System.DmlException:Update failed。第0行的第一个异常,ID为500M0000006sLVOIA2;第一个错误:SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER,Object( id = 500M0000006sLVO)当前处于触发器CaseRankingTrigger中,因此它无法递归更新自身:[]:Trigger.CaseRankingTrigger:第62行,第1列“。

    1. 当我尝试使用新编号更新现有等级在1-10之间的案例时,我收到此错误:

      错误:数据无效。   查看下面的所有错误消息以更正您的数据。   Apex触发CaseRankingTrigger导致意外异常,请联系您的管理员:CaseRankingTrigger:执行BeforeUpdate导致:System.DmlException:Update失败。第0行的第一个例外,ID为500M0000006sLTrIAM;第一个错误:CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY,CaseRankingTrigger:由于以下原因导致的BeforeUpdate执行:System.DmlException:更新失败。第0行的第一个例外,标识为500M0000006sLUaIAM;第一个错误:SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER,Object(id = 500M0000006sLUa)当前处于触发器CaseRankingTrigger中,因此无法递归更新自身:[] Trigger.CaseRankingTrigger:第74行,第1列:[]:Trigger.CaseRankingTrigger:第62行,第1列

      1. 当我尝试将具有现有等级的案例更新为空值时,案例将为空,但其他具有值的案例不会向下移动以防止出现间隙。这意味着如果我有案例1-8并且我删除了案例5那么案例6 7和8应该分别下移到5 6和7。
      2. 代码:

        trigger CaseRankingTrigger on Case (before insert, before update, before delete) {
        // class level variables
        Integer MAX = 10;
        Integer MIN = 1;
        String dev;
        Decimal oldRank;
        Decimal newRank;
        * This block of code fires if a new Case is being inserted into the database
        if (trigger.isInsert) {
            // iterates through the Cases in the new trigger
            for (Case c : {
                // sets the developer to the developer on the Case
                dev = c.Resource_Assigned__c;
                // sets the new rank for the Case being inserted
                newRank = c.Case_Rank__c;
                // this block of code only fires if the Case rank field is not null - this allows for Cases with no rank to be inserted without affecting any other Case
                if (newRank != null) {
                    // populates a list of Cases assigned to the developer if they have a ranking equal to or greater than the rank of the new Case being inserted
                    List<Case> devCases = [SELECT Id, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :dev AND Case_Rank__c >= :newRank];
                    // iterates over the list of Cases and increases their rank value by 1 to create room for the new Case then inserts that list back into the database
                    for (Case devCase : devCases) {
                        devCase.Case_Rank__c = devCase.Case_Rank__c + 1;
                    update devCases;
                    // populates a list of Cases for the assigned developer if they have a ranking greater than the highest rank allowed
                    devCases = [SELECT Id, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :dev AND Case_Rank__c > :MAX];
                    // iterates over the list of applicable Cases with a rank greater than 10 and nulls out the rank value then inserts that list back into the database
                    for (Case devCase : devCases) {
                        devCase.Case_Rank__c = null;
                    update devCases;
        * This block of code fires if an existing Case is being updated
        else if (trigger.isUpdate) {
            for (Case cOld : trigger.old) {
                oldRank = cOld.Case_Rank__c;
            for (Case c : {
                dev = c.Resource_Assigned__c;
                newRank = c.Case_Rank__c;
                if (oldRank == null && newRank != null) {
                    List<Case> devCases = [SELECT Id, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :dev AND Case_Rank__c >= :newRank];
                    for (Case devCase : devCases) {
                        devCase.Case_Rank__c = devCase.Case_Rank__c + 1;
                    update devCases;
                    devCases = [SELECT Id, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :dev AND (Case_Rank__c > :MAX OR Case_Rank__c < :MIN)];
                    for (Case devCase : devCases) {
                        devCase.Case_Rank__c = null;
                    update devCases;
                } else {
                    if (newRank != null) {
                        List<Case> devCases = [SELECT Id, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :dev AND Case_Rank__c >= :newRank];
                        for (Case devCase : devCases) {
                            devCase.Case_Rank__c = devCase.Case_Rank__c + 1;
                        update devCases;
                        devCases = [SELECT Id, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :dev AND (Case_Rank__c > :oldRank OR Case_Rank__c < :newRank)];
                        for (Case devCase : devCases) {
                            devCase.Case_Rank__c = devCase.Case_Rank__c - 1;
                        update devCases;
                        devCases = [SELECT Id, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :dev AND (Case_Rank__c > :MAX OR Case_Rank__c < :MIN)];
                        for (Case devCase : devCases) {
                            devCase.Case_Rank__c = null;
                        update devCases;
        * This block of code fires if an existing Case is deleted from the database
        else if (trigger.isDelete) {
            // iterates through the Cases in the old trigger
            for (Case c : trigger.old) {
                // sets the developer to the developer on the Case
                dev = c.Resource_Assigned__c;
                // sets the old rank value for the Case being deleted
                oldRank = c.Case_Rank__c;
                // this block of code only fires if the rank field is not null - this allows for Cases with no rank to be deleted without affecting any other Case
                if (oldRank != null) {
                    // populates a list of Cases assigned to the developer if they have a ranking greater than the rank of the Case being deleted
                    List<Case> devCases = [SELECT Id, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :dev AND Case_Rank__c > :oldRank];
                    // iterates over the list of applicable Cases and decreases their rank by 1 so there is no gap in rank priority then inserts that list back into the database
                    for (Case devCase : devCases) {
                        devCase.Case_Rank__c = devCase.Case_Rank__c - 1;
                    update devCases;
        * Fall Through
        else {}








        * @author:      Michael *REDACTED*
        * @email:        *REDACTED*
        * @date:         11/09/15
        * @brief:         This is a trigger for the Case object that will modify the rank of the Cases
        *                     assigned to the developer based on a priority set by the Administrator.
        * @files:          src\classes\CaseRankTriggerHandler.cls
        *                     src\classes\CaseRankTriggerHandlerTest.cls
        *                     src\layouts\Case-Salesforce Service Ticket.layout
        *                     src\objects\Case.object
        *                     src\workflows\Case.workflow
        trigger CaseRankTrigger on Case (before insert, before update, before delete) {
            * The CaseRankTriggerHandler constructor method takes (List<Case>, List<Case>, String)
            if (trigger.isInsert) CaseRankTriggerHandler handler = new CaseRankTriggerHandler(, trigger.old, 'Insert'); // if a new Case is being inserted into the database
            if (trigger.isUpdate) CaseRankTriggerHandler handler = new CaseRankTriggerHandler(, trigger.old, 'Update'); // if an existing Case is being updated
            if (trigger.isDelete) CaseRankTriggerHandler handler = new CaseRankTriggerHandler(, trigger.old, 'Delete'); // if an existing Case is deleted from the database


        * @author:      Michael *REDACTED*
        * @email:        *REDACTED*
        * @date:         11/09/15
        * @brief:         This is a Case object trigger handler class that provides logic to the CaseRankTrigger for manipulating
        *                     the ranks of all Cases assigned to a developer based on a priority that is set by an Administrator.
        * @files:          src\classes\CaseRankTrigger.cls
        *                     src\classes\CaseRankTriggerHandlerTest.cls
        *                     src\layouts\Case-Salesforce Service Ticket.layout
        *                     src\objects\Case.object
        *                     src\workflows\Case.workflow
        public with sharing class CaseRankTriggerHandler {
            // class level variables
            private static Boolean firstRun = true;
            private static Boolean modify = false;
            private static Integer MAX = 10;
            private static Integer MIN = 1;
            private List<Case> newTrigger {get; set;}
            private List<Case> currentTrigger {get; set;}
            private List<Case> cases {get; set;}
            private List<Case> newList {get; set;}
            private List<Case> currentList {get; set;}
            private String developer {get; set;}
            private Decimal newRank {get; set;}
            private Decimal currentRank {get; set;}
            * @author:    Michael *REDACTED*
            * @email:      *REDACTED*
            * @date:       11/16/15
            * @brief:       Class constructor method.
            * @return:     Void
            public CaseRankTriggerHandler(List<Case> newT, List<Case> oldT, String type) {
                if (firstRun) { // makes sure that the trigger only runs once
                    firstRun = false;
                    InitializeTrigger(newT, oldT, type); // initializes the trigger
                    if (developer != null) { // skips trigger if DML is performed on a Case with no developer assigned
                        ModificationCheck(type); // determines if Cases need to be modified
                        if (modify) ModificationLogic(type); // modifies Cases if needed
            * @author:    Michael *REDACTED*
            * @email:      *REDACTED*
            * @date:       11/16/15
            * @brief:       The InitializeTrigger method initializes the handler class based on the type of trigger fired.
            * @return:     Void
            private void InitializeTrigger(List<Case> newT, List<Case> oldT, String type) {
                if (type == 'Insert') {
                    this.newTrigger = newT;
                    this.developer = newTrigger[0].Resource_Assigned__c;
                    this.newRank = newTrigger[0].Case_Rank__c;
                    this.newList = [SELECT Subject, CaseNumber, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :developer AND Case_Rank__c != null AND Case_Rank__c = :newRank ORDER BY Case_Rank__c];
                } else if (type == 'Update') {
                    this.newTrigger = newT;
                    this.currentTrigger = oldT;
                    this.developer = newTrigger[0].Resource_Assigned__c;
                    this.newRank = newTrigger[0].Case_Rank__c;
                    this.currentRank = currentTrigger[0].Case_Rank__c;
                    this.newList = [SELECT Subject, CaseNumber, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :developer AND Case_Rank__c != null AND Case_Rank__c = :newRank ORDER BY Case_Rank__c];
                    this.currentList = [SELECT Subject, CaseNumber, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :developer AND Case_Rank__c != null AND Case_Rank__c = :currentRank ORDER BY Case_Rank__c];
                } else if (type == 'Delete') {
                    this.currentTrigger = oldT;
                    this.developer = currentTrigger[0].Resource_Assigned__c;
                    this.currentRank = currentTrigger[0].Case_Rank__c;
            * @author:    Michael *REDACTED*
            * @email:      *REDACTED*
            * @date:       11/16/15
            * @brief:       The ModificationCheck method ensures various conditions are met, depending on the type
            *                   of trigger that was fired, before modifying the ranks of the Cases assigned to the developer.
            * @return:     Void
            private void ModificationCheck(String type) {
                if (type == 'Insert') {
                    // the Case being inserted has a new rank not equal to null and if the assigned developer already has a Case with the
                    // same rank as the new rank, we will proceed to modification, if not the record will be inserted without modification.
                    if (newRank != null && !newList.isEmpty()) {
                        modify = true;
                } else if (type == 'Update') {
                    // if the Case being updated has ranks with different values in both triggers we will proceed to the next check, if not the record is updated without modification.
                    if (newRank != currentRank) {
                        // if the Case being updated has a (new rank equal to null and a current rank not equal to 10) or
                        // if the Case being updated has a new rank not equal to null, we will proceed to the next check,
                        // if not the record is updated without modification.
                        if ((newRank == null && currentRank != 10) || newRank != null) {
                            // if the assigned developer on the Case being updated already has a Case with the same rank as the new or current rank, we will proceed to modification,
                            // if not the record is updated without modification.
                            if (!newList.isEmpty() || !currentList.isEmpty()) {
                                modify = true;
                } else if (type == 'Delete') {
                    // if the Case being deleted has current rank not equal to null, we will proceed to modification, if not the record is deleted without modification.
                    if (currentRank != null) {
                        modify = true;
            * @author:    Michael *REDACTED*
            * @email:      *REDACTED*
            * @date:       11/16/15
            * @brief:       If a Case rank needs to be updated the ModificationLogic method calls the appropriate
            *                   computation method based on trigger type and the values of newRank and currentRank.
            * @return:     Void
            private void ModificationLogic(String type) {
                if (type == 'Insert') {
                    for (Case c : newTrigger) {
                        // calls the IncreaseCaseRank method and passes it a list of Cases that are assigned to the developer that have a rank greater than or equal to the new rank.
                        IncreaseCaseRank([SELECT Subject, CaseNumber, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Id NOT IN :newTrigger AND Resource_Assigned__c = :developer AND Case_Rank__c >= :newRank ORDER BY Case_Rank__c]);
                } else if (type == 'Update') {
                    for (Case c : newTrigger) {
                        if (currentRank == null) {
                            // if the current rank is null - calls the IncreaseCaseRank method and passes it a list of Cases that are assigned to the developer that have a rank greater than or equal to the new rank.
                            IncreaseCaseRank([SELECT Subject, CaseNumber, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Id NOT IN :newTrigger AND Resource_Assigned__c = :developer AND Case_Rank__c >= :newRank ORDER BY Case_Rank__c]);
                        } else if (newRank == null) {
                            // if the new rank is null - calls the DecreaseCaseRank method and passes it a list of Cases that are assigned to the developer that have a rank greater than the current rank.
                            DecreaseCaseRank([SELECT Subject, CaseNumber, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Id NOT IN :newTrigger AND Resource_Assigned__c = :developer AND Case_Rank__c > :currentRank ORDER BY Case_Rank__c]);
                        } else if (newRank > currentRank) {
                            // if the new rank is greater than the current rank - calls the DecreaseCaseRank method and passes it a list of Cases that are assigned to the developer that have a rank less than or equal to the new rank and greater than to the current rank.
                            DecreaseCaseRank([SELECT Subject, CaseNumber, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Id NOT IN :newTrigger AND Resource_Assigned__c = :developer AND (Case_Rank__c <= :newRank AND Case_Rank__c > :currentRank) ORDER BY Case_Rank__c]);
                        } else if (newRank < currentRank) {
                            // if the new rank is less than the current rank - calls the IncreaseCaseRank method and passes it a list of Cases that are assigned to the developer that have a rank a.
                            IncreaseCaseRank([SELECT Subject, CaseNumber, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Id NOT IN :newTrigger AND Resource_Assigned__c = :developer AND (Case_Rank__c >= :newRank AND Case_Rank__c < :currentRank) ORDER BY Case_Rank__c]);
                } else if (type == 'Delete') {
                    for (Case c : currentTrigger) {
                        // calls the DecreaseCaseRank method and passes it a list of Cases that are assigned to the developer that have a rank greater than the current rank.
                        DecreaseCaseRank([SELECT Subject, CaseNumber, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Id NOT IN :currentTrigger AND Resource_Assigned__c = :developer AND Case_Rank__c > :currentRank ORDER BY Case_Rank__c]);
            * @author:    Michael *REDACTED*
            * @email:      *REDACTED*
            * @date:       11/16/15
            * @brief:       The DecreaseCaseRank method provides the logic required to properly
            *                   decrease or null out the ranks of the Cases assigned the the developer.
            * @return:     Void
            private void DecreaseCaseRank(List<Case> cases) {
                // if the list of Cases passed in by the ModificationLogic method isn't empty then it will iterate through the
                // list and decrease their ranks by 1 or null out the rank if it is not within the acceptable limits (1-10).
                if (!cases.isEmpty()) {
                    for (Case c : cases) {
                        if (c.Case_Rank__c >= 1 && c.Case_Rank__c <= 10) {
                            c.Case_Rank__c = c.Case_Rank__c - 1;
                        } else {
                            c.Case_Rank__c = null;
                    update cases;
            * @author:    Michael *REDACTED*
            * @email:      *REDACTED*
            * @date:       11/16/15
            * @brief:       The IncreaseCaseRank method provides the logic required to properly
            *                   increase or null out the ranks of the Cases assigned the the developer.
            * @return:     Void
            private void IncreaseCaseRank(List<Case> cases) {
                // if the list of Cases passed in by the ModificationLogic method isn't empty then it will iterate through the
                // list and increase their ranks by 1 or null out the rank if it is not within the acceptable limits (1-10).
                if (!cases.isEmpty()) {
                    for (Case c : cases) {
                        if (c.Case_Rank__c >= 1 && c.Case_Rank__c < 10) {
                            c.Case_Rank__c = c.Case_Rank__c + 1;
                        } else {
                            c.Case_Rank__c = null;
                    update cases;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


devCases = [SELECT Id, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :dev AND (Case_Rank__c > :MAX OR Case_Rank__c < :MIN)];
        for (Case devCase : devCases) {
            devCase.Case_Rank__c = null;
        update devCases


尝试devCases = [SELECT Id, Case_Rank__c FROM Case WHERE Resource_Assigned__c = :dev AND (Case_Rank__c > :MAX OR Case_Rank__c < :MIN) AND Id NOT IN];
