ERROR: could not open file - No such file or directory [PHP, PDO]

时间:2015-11-12 11:46:35

标签: php pdo psql

I'm trying to open a file and IMPORT it to PSQL

$sql ="COPY r_vehicle_submodel FROM '".$filePath."' DELIMITER ',' CSV";

However it display me error:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[58P01]: Undefined file: 7 ERROR: could not open file "C:\xampp...\uploads\SearchTreeCZ.csv" for reading: No such file or directory' in

I try to copy this path to clipboard and open file and i open it correctly so file is there for sure.

After that I was thinking if just PHP don't have permission to this file/ folder so I write something really simple:

$file = fopen($filePath,'r');
echo fread($file,filesize($filePath));  

Which open me my file correctly, I also try to scandir this path successfully.

echo $filepath display: C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\utilities\searchTreeImport\uploads\SearchTreeCZ.csv

Guys do you have any idea where can be a problem and WHY I can't open this file?


EDIT: This QUERY works (MySQL)

$sql = "LOAD DATA INFILE '".$filePath."' 
        INTO TABLE r_vehicle_submodel 
        ENCLOSED BY '\"' 
        IGNORE 1 LINES ";   

This QUERY doesn't work (PSQL)

$sql ="COPY r_vehicle_submodel FROM '".$filePath."' DELIMITER ',' CSV";

So i expect problem can be in my $sql query

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