I have this code wich allow me to change the color of the every cell when I click on it.Firstly, I want to be able to put an image in every cell , which I clicked . And after that I will try to make a listview with images and when I will click on some ceel to be able to choose what image I want to put in there ! Thank you!
package com.example.cosmin.catanadvice;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Path;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso;
public class HoneycombView extends View
private Paint wallPaint = new Paint();
private Paint fillPaint = new Paint();
private Paint cachePaint = new Paint();
private Path combPath;
private Bitmap cacheBmp;
private Canvas cacheCan;
private int cellWidth;
private int columns;
private int rows;
private boolean[][] cellSet;
private OnCellClickListener listener;
public HoneycombView(Context context)
this(context, null);
public HoneycombView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);
public void initialize(int columns, int rows)
this.columns = columns;
this.rows = rows;
this.cellSet = new boolean[columns][rows];
public interface OnCellClickListener
public void onCellClick(int column, int row);
public void setOnCellClickListener(OnCellClickListener listener)
this.listener = listener;
public void setCell(int column, int row, boolean isSet)
cellSet[column][row] = isSet;
public boolean isCellSet(int column, int row)
return cellSet[column][row];
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh)
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
cacheBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
cacheCan = new Canvas(cacheBmp);
cellWidth = 2 * w / (2 * columns + columns - 1);
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
boolean oddRow;
int xOff;
combPath = getHexPath(cellWidth / 2f, cellWidth / 2f, (float) (cellWidth * Math.sqrt(3) / 4));
int verific =0;
int verific2=0;
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
oddRow = (r & 1) == 1;
xOff = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < columns; c++)
if (!(oddRow && c == columns -1))
if(verific!=1&&verific!=3&&verific!=21&&verific!=23) {
fillPaint.setColor(cellSet[c][r] ? Color.BLUE : Color.WHITE);
canvas.drawPath(combPath, fillPaint);
canvas.drawPath(combPath, wallPaint);
// Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.airplane);
cachePaint.setColor(Color.argb(255, 1, c, r));
cacheCan.drawPath(combPath, cachePaint);
combPath.offset((int) (1.5f * cellWidth), 0);
xOff += 1.5f * cellWidth;
fillPaint.setColor(cellSet[c][r] ? Color.GREEN : Color.GREEN);
canvas.drawPath(combPath, fillPaint);
canvas.drawPath(combPath, wallPaint);
cachePaint.setColor(Color.argb(100, 1, c, r));
cacheCan.drawPath(combPath, cachePaint);
combPath.offset((int) (1.5f * cellWidth), 0);
xOff += 1.5f * cellWidth;
combPath.offset(-xOff + (oddRow ? -1 : 1) * 3 * cellWidth / 4, (float) (cellWidth * Math.sqrt(3) / 4));
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
if (event.getAction() != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN)
return true;
int pixel = cacheBmp.getPixel((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY());
int r = Color.red(pixel);
if (r == 1)
int g = Color.green(pixel);
int b = Color.blue(pixel);
if (listener != null)
listener.onCellClick(g, b);
return true;
private Path getHexPath(float size, float centerX, float centerY)
Path path = new Path();
for (int j = 0; j <= 6; j++)
double angle = j * Math.PI / 3;
float x = (float) (centerX + size * Math.cos(angle));
float y = (float) (centerY + size * Math.sin(angle));
if (j == 0)
path.moveTo(x, y);
path.lineTo(x, y);
return path;
And this is the mainActivity:
public class Activitate extends Activity
implements HoneycombView.OnCellClickListener {
HoneycombView honey;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
honey = new HoneycombView(this);
honey.initialize(3, 9);
public void onCellClick(int column, int row) {
honey.setCell(column, row, !honey.isCellSet(column, row));