My feature file contains a 'scenario' test for a successful login and a 'Scenario Outline' test for testing multiple login details which should be unsuccessful.
Scenario: Successful login
Given I have entered username 'tomsmith' and password 'SuperSecretPassword!' into the application
When I login
Then I should be informed that login was successful
Scenario Outline: Unsuccessful login
Given I have entered username <username> and password <password> into the application
When I login
Then I should be informed that login was unsuccessful
| testing | username | password |
| invalid combination 1 | test | test |
| special characters | $$$ | SuperSecretPassword! |
I would like both to use the same step definition (as they are just passing parameters)
My step definition is:
[Given(@"I have entered username '(.*)' and password '(.*)' into the application")]
public void GivenIHaveEnteredUsernameAndPasswordIntoTheApplication(string p0, string p1)
login = new LoginPage();
login.with(p0, p1);
The problem is that the scenario outline tests do not run, they return a 'Pending' error: Pending: No matching step definition found for one or more steps
and suggests the step definition should be:
[Given(@"I have entered test and test into the application")]
Can anyone help please?
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you problem is on this line:
Given I have entered username <username> and password <password> into the application
it should be
Given I have entered username '<username>' and password '<password>' into the application
you just missed out the '