AWS,Route 53,Heroku,有效,但我不知道为什么

时间:2015-11-12 05:08:33

标签: amazon-web-services heroku dns amazon-route53




我没问题,我只是想知道这是怎么发生的?如果Route 53自动从godaddy中获取配置(这是我假设发生但想知道的更多)在route53中我可以检查配置(在casr中我想在将来修改它)。



在www.whatsmydns.net上进行了一些挖掘之后,我发现我的网站名称服务器是。我打电话给godaddy客户支持询问他们,他们说当他们收到转移域的请求时,所有内容都会被迁移(假设为route53) 我不知道这会在什么时候从ns44.domaincontrol.com到期,但我仍然没有去过53号路线并开始创建托管区域和其他细节的过程,我担心它会搞乱现有的设置,所以如果有人有经验并且可以推荐一个行动方案我很感激。

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When you transfer your domain to AWS Route53 there's an option to keep existing nameservers. You probably chose to do that. But it's not advised as mentioned here in AWS doc:

If the registrar for your domain is also the DNS service provider for the domain, we highly recommend that you consider transferring your DNS service to Amazon Route 53 or another DNS service provider before you transfer your registration. Some registrars provide free DNS service when you purchase a domain registration. When you transfer the registration, the previous registrar will not renew your domain registration and could end your DNS service at any time.

Source: Transferring Registration for a Domain to Amazon Route 53