type rr = A | AAA | BBB
type resolve_result_t = List of string list
| MX_records of mx_record list
| Srv of srv_record list
| Soa of soa_record
| Error of string
and mx_record = { exchange : string; priority: int; }
and srv_record = { priority: int; weight : int; port : int; name : string; }
and soa_record = { nsname : string;
hostmaster: string;
serial : int;
refresh: int;
retry : int;
expire : int;
minttl : int; }
let resolve ?(rr_type=A) ~host (f : (resolve_result_t -> unit) : unit =
match rr_type with
| A ->
let g = fun raw -> f (List (raw |> some_string_list_func))
...code that uses g
| BBB ->
let g = fun raw -> f (MX_records (raw |> some_mx_record_list_func))
resolve ~host:"google.com" begin function
List l -> .. code that uses l | _ -> assert false (* Or deal with the warning *)
resolve ~rr_type:BBB ~host:"google.com" begin function
MX_records l -> ...similiar to previous example.
答案 0 :(得分:2)
type _ rr =
| A : string list rr
| AAA : srv_record list rr
| BBB : mx_record list rr
and _ resolve_result_t =
| List : string list -> string list resolve_result_t
| MX_records : mx_record list -> mx_record list resolve_result_t
| Srv : srv_record list -> srv_record list resolve_result_t
| Soa : soa_record list -> soa_record list resolve_result_t
| Error : string -> string resolve_result_t
and mx_record = { exchange : string; mx_priority: int; }
and srv_record = { srv_priority: int; weight : int; port : int; name : string; }
and soa_record = { nsname : string;
hostmaster: string;
serial : int;
refresh: int;
retry : int;
expire : int;
minttl : int; }
let resolve : type a. a rr -> string -> (a resolve_result_t -> unit) -> unit =
fun rr_type host f ->
match rr_type with
| A -> f (List ["123"])
| AAA -> f (Srv [{srv_priority=1;weight=1;port=1;name="123"}])
| BBB -> f (MX_records [{exchange="123"; mx_priority=1}])
let () =
let f = fun (List l) -> () in
resolve A "google.com" f
GADT繁重的代码编写起来要复杂得多。还有一些type _ rr =
| A : string list rr
| AAA : srv_record list rr
| BBB : mx_record list rr
and _ resolve_result_t =
| List : string list -> string list resolve_result_t
| MX_records : mx_record list -> mx_record list resolve_result_t
| Srv : srv_record list -> srv_record list resolve_result_t
| Soa : soa_record list -> soa_record list resolve_result_t
| Error : string -> string resolve_result_t
and 'a rrt =
| Ok of 'a resolve_result_t
| Err of string resolve_result_t
and mx_record = { exchange : string; mx_priority: int; }
and srv_record = { srv_priority: int; weight : int; port : int; name : string; }
and soa_record = { nsname : string;
hostmaster: string;
serial : int;
refresh: int;
retry : int;
expire : int;
minttl : int; }
let resolve : type a. a rr -> string -> (a rrt -> unit) -> unit =
fun rr_type host f ->
match rr_type with
| A -> f (Ok (List ["123"]))
| AAA -> f (Ok (Srv [{srv_priority=1;weight=1;port=1;name="123"}]))
| BBB -> f (Ok (MX_records [{exchange="123"; mx_priority=1}]))
let () =
let f = function
| Ok (List l) -> ()
| Err (Error s) -> print_endline s in
resolve A "google.com" f
答案 1 :(得分:1)
It depends on the use case. If you just wish to emulate ad-hoc polymorphism (to use the same function name resolve
with different argument types), the solution, suggested by @objmagic, will work. But, I would rather use three separate functions: resolve_a
, resolve_aaa
and resolve_bbb
. This will keep type definitions much simpler and easy to read.
But if A
and BBB
tags are needed to run resolution for, say, a list of requests, I would suggest using existential wrapper.
The same GADT definitions:
type _ rr =
| A : string list rr
| AAA : srv_record list rr
| BBB : mx_record list rr
and _ resolve_result_t =
| List : string list -> string list resolve_result_t
| MX_records : mx_record list -> mx_record list resolve_result_t
| Srv : srv_record list -> srv_record list resolve_result_t
| Soa : soa_record list -> soa_record list resolve_result_t
| Error : string -> string resolve_result_t
and 'a rrt =
| Ok of 'a resolve_result_t
| Err of string resolve_result_t
and mx_record = { exchange : string; mx_priority: int; }
and srv_record = { srv_priority: int; weight : int; port : int; name : string; }
and soa_record = { nsname : string;
hostmaster: string;
serial : int;
refresh: int;
retry : int;
expire : int;
minttl : int; }
Then we need to introduce existential wrapper to do type erasure
type handler = Handler : 'a rr * ('a rrt -> unit) -> handler
and pattern match on it
let resolve ~host = function
| Handler (A, f) -> f (Ok (List []))
| Handler (AAA, f) -> f (Ok (Srv [{srv_priority = 1; weight = 1; port = 1; name="123"}]))
| Handler (BBB, f) -> f (Ok (MX_records [{exchange = "123"; mx_priority = 1}]))
See, you don't even need to type annotate this function!
And finally, we can run resolution for a list of requests like this
let () =
let on_a = function
| Ok (List l) -> print_endline "List"
| Err (Error s) -> print_endline s
and on_aaa = function
| Ok (Srv l) -> print_endline "Srv"
| Err (Error s) -> print_endline s
and on_bbb = function
| Ok (MX_records l) -> print_endline "MX_records"
| Err (Error s) -> print_endline s
["google.com", Handler(A, on_a);
"google.com", Handler(AAA, on_aaa);
"google.com", Handler(BBB, on_bbb)]
|> ListLabels.iter ~f:(fun (host, handler) -> resolve ~host handler)