
时间:2015-11-11 17:50:43

标签: java


这是开场提示: “输入'R / r'来读取文件;'S / s'来搜索文件中的文本;'W / w'来写入文件;'E / e'来退出”



public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException{

    //Initialize scanner and a string variable to hold the value of scanner variable
    Scanner inputChoice = new Scanner(System.in);       //iChoice - inputChoice

        //Prompt user to provide input in accordance with desired function
        System.out.println("Type 'R/r' to read a file; 'S/s' to search for text within a file; 'W/w' to write to a file; 'E/e' to exit");

        String userChoice = inputChoice.nextLine();

        //If user specifies "r" go to fileReader class
            SimpleDBReader sdbrObject = new SimpleDBReader();

            //If user specifies "s" go to textSearch class
        }else if(userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("s")){
            SimpleDBSearch sdbsObject = new SimpleDBSearch();

            //If user specifies "w" go to fileWriter class
        }else if(userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("w")){
            SimpleDBWriter sdbwObject = new SimpleDBWriter();

            //If user specifies "e" terminate program
        }else if(userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("e")){


public void sdbSearch(Scanner searchWord) throws IOException{

    //Prompt user for input
    System.out.println("Please input the word you wish to find:");

    //Init string var containing user input
    String wordInput = searchWord.next();

    //Specify file to search & init Scanner containing file
    File file = new File("C:/Users/Joshua/Desktop/jOutFiles/SimpleDb.txt");
    Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(file);

    //Set flag - for below loop - to false
    boolean stringFound = false;

    //Loops through every line looking for lines containing previously specified string.
        String line = fileScanner.nextLine();
        if(line.contains(wordInput)){       //If desired string is found set flag true and print line containing it to console
            stringFound = true;
            System.out.println("I found the word you're looking for here: " + line);

    //Check if flag false, prompt user for new input
        System.out.println("The word you were looking for does not exist.");


Type 'R/r' to read a file; 'S/s' to search for text within a file; 'W/w' to write to a file; 'E/e' to exit  //SysOut
s   //User
Please input the word you wish to find:     //SysOut
someString  //User
I found the word you're looking for here: lineWithString    OR   The word you were looking for does not exist.      //SysOut
Type 'R/r' to read a file; 'S/s' to search for text within a file; 'W/w' to write to a file; 'E/e' to exit  //SysOut


Type 'R/r' to read a file; 'S/s' to search for text within a file; 'W/w' to write to a file; 'E/e' to exit  //SysOut
s   //User
Please input the word you wish to find:     //SysOut
someString  //User
I found the word you're looking for here: lineWithString    OR   The word you were looking for does not exist.      //SysOut
Type 'R/r' to read a file; 'S/s' to search for text within a file; 'W/w' to write to a file; 'E/e' to exit  //SysOut
Type 'R/r' to read a file; 'S/s' to search for text within a file; 'W/w' to write to a file; 'E/e' to exit  //SysOut            

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