我的程序找不到给定目录中的下一个文件。如果他们可能成为问题的一部分,我会把我的所有程序都包括在内。我的程序成功找到目录中的第一个文件,但未能尝试查找另一个文件。 (是的,这个程序什么都不输出,它只是找到文件并打开它,但错误可以在调试器上看到)
.model small
skaitymodydis EQU 20 ;reading buffer size
.stack 1000h
zodis db "hello", 0 ;searched word
dir db "P:\test\kazkas3", 0 ;directory path
fname db "index.html", 0 ;index file name
fhand dw ? ;index file handler
dhand dw ? ;other files handler
duom db "*.*", 0 ;searched file name
DTA db 128 (0)
skbuf db skaitymodydis dup (?);reading buffer
wrongg db "mistake"
eilutesnr dw 0001h ;row number
naujaeilute db 13,10 ;new line
mov dx, @data
mov ds, dx
mov dx, offset DTA
mov ah, 1Ah
int 21h
mov dx, offset dir ;DS:DX path-name
mov ah, 3Bh
int 21h
call kurtindex ;creating index file procedure
call findfirst ;finding first file procedure
call atidaryti ;opening that first file
jmp skaityk ;start reading from file and working with its symbols
xor ax, ax
xor bx, bx
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
xor si, si
xor di, di
call findnext ;finding next file; ERROR Place
call atidaryti ;opening next files
mov bx, dhand
call skaityti ;reading symbols from file
call pilindex ;filling index file procedure
call duomend ;closing file procedure(not index)
jmp kitasfailas ;trying to find another file
call indexend ;closing index file
mov ah, 4ch
mov al, 0
int 21h
;index failo pildymas
proc pilindex
xor si, si
xor bx, bx
xor cx, cx
mov bx, fhand
mov cx, 7
mov dx, offset DTA+30
mov ah, 40h
int 21h
mov bx, fhand
mov cx, 5
mov dx, offset zodis
mov ah, 40h
int 21h
mov cx, 2
mov bx, fhand
mov dx, offset naujaeilute
mov ah, 40h
int 21h
pilindex endp
;index failo sukurimo PROCEDURA
proc kurtindex
mov cx, 0h
mov dx, offset fname
xor ax, ax
mov ah, 3Ch
int 21h
mov fhand, ax
kurtindex endp
;duomenu failo atidarymo PROCEDURA
proc atidaryti
mov ah, 3Dh
mov al, 0
mov dx, offset DTA+30
int 21h
;jc wrong
mov dhand, ax
atidaryti endp
;PROCEDURA nuskaitanti is failo
proc skaityti
push cx
push dx
push bx
mov bx, dhand
mov ah, 3Fh
mov cx, skaitymodydis
mov dx, offset skbuf
int 21h
jc skaitymoklaida
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
mov ax, 0
jmp skaitytipab
skaityti endp
;PROCEDURA find first
proc findfirst
mov dx, offset duom
xor cx, cx
mov ah, 4Eh
int 21h
findfirst endp
;PROCEDURA find next
proc findnext
mov dx, offset duom
xor cx, cx
mov ah, 4Fh
int 21h
findnext endp
;duomenu failo uzdarymo PROCEDURA
proc duomend
mov ah, 3Eh
mov bx, dhand
int 21h
duomend endp
;index failo uzdarymo PROCEDURA
proc indexend
mov ah, 3Eh
mov bx, fhand
int 21h
indexend endp
end start
答案 0 :(得分:3)
DTA db 128 (0)
这似乎创建了一个用128+(0)= 128初始化的单字节。我认为你打算创建一个零填充128字节的缓冲区。你应该使用:
DTA db 128 DUP(0)