如何在openfire localhost中上传siacs HttpUploadComponent以进行文件共享

时间:2015-11-10 10:49:13

标签: chat openfire

我正在使用android中的https://github.com/siacs/Conversations实现聊天应用。群聊没有图像共享,这就是为什么它需要openfire服务器上的HTTP上传组件(https://github.com/siacs/HttpUploadComponent)。我根据需要在config.yml中进行了更改。我可以连接但是在android eu:siacs:conversation:http:upload"没有进入功能列表。

config.yml如下所示: -

component_jid: upload.andreis-mac-mini-2.local
component_secret: test
component_port: 5275

storage_path : /Users/enovate/Documents/Jagdish/Test

 # andreis-mac-mini-2.local
 # - someotherdomain.tld
 # - dude@domain.tld
max_file_size: 20971520 #20MiB

http_address: #use if you don't want to use a proxy
http_port: 8080
# http_keyfile: /etc/ssl/private/your.key
# http_certfile: /etc/ssl/certs/your.crt

get_url: http://andreis-mac-mini-2.local
put_url: http://andreis-mac-mini-2.local

expire_interval: 82800  #time in secs between expiry runs (82800 secs = 23 hours). set to '0' to disable
expire_maxage: 2592000  #files older than this (in secs) get deleted by expiry runs (2592000 = 30 days)
user_quota_hard: 104857600   #100MiB. set to '0' to disable rejection on uploads over hard quota
user_quota_soft: 78643200    #75MiB. set to '0' to disable deletion of old uploads over soft quota an expiry runs


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