按日期从Mac照片应用程序导出到文件夹(" YYYY-MM-DD")

时间:2015-11-10 09:46:49

标签: applescript export photos

我试图从iPhotos和照片应用中获取所有照片。 我发现这个脚本可以导出iPhotos中的所有图片。但是,当我将其更改为使用“照片”应用时,它无法正常工作。

set destination to quoted form of POSIX path of (path to pictures folder)
tell application "iPhoto"
    repeat with i in (get selection)
        tell i to my copyPhoto(date, image path, title, destination)
    end repeat
end tell

on copyPhoto(d, p, t, dest) -- the name of the file is the title of the photo in iPhoto, date format for folder name = 2014-09-25
tell d to set d to "" & its year & "-" & text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & ((its month) as integer)) & "-" & text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & its day)
    try -- create folder if neccessary, check to not overwrite any files in the subfolder, copy the file, rename with the title
        do shell script "f=" & d & ";t=" & (quoted form of t) & ";tFile=" & (quoted form of p) & "; e=${tFile##*.}; cd " & dest & ";mkdir -p \"$f\"; while [ -e \"$f/$t.$e\" ];do  t=\"$t _\";done; cp -a \"$tFile\" \"$f/$t.$e\""
    end try
end copyPhoto


是否有人能够帮助我弄清楚如何使用照片应用进行此操作? 脚本使用它的格式完美,图片由文件夹组织:



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set TopFolder to (path to desktop folder from user domain) as string -- your main destination folder

tell application "Photos"
repeat with aPhoto in (get selection)
    set SName to filename of aPhoto
    set theDate to date of aPhoto
    -- convert date to string yyyy-mm-dd
    set SY to (year of theDate) as string
    set SM to text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & ((month of theDate) as integer))
    set SD to text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & ((day of theDate) as string))
    set DestFolder to SY & "-" & SM & "-" & SD -- DestFolder = folder "date" 

    -- check if folder  DestFolder exists : if not creation
    tell application "Finder"
        if not (folder (TopFolder & DestFolder) exists) then
            make new folder in TopFolder with properties {name:DestFolder}
        end if
    end tell

    -- you may have to add a check if file (TopFolder & DestFolder & SName) already exists
    -- and take appropriate action (add index, add word "copy",...)
    export {aPhoto} to (TopFolder & DestFolder)
end repeat
end tell
