
时间:2015-11-09 19:48:02

标签: c# ip-address ipv6


public string findIPv6(string ipv6)
        // This will split the user inputted string at every instance of a ':'
        var bytes = ipv6.Split(':');

        // If we do not have 8 bytes, it is not an IPv6 therefore return neither
        if (bytes.Length != 8)
            return "Neither";

        // This will check if there is an integer between 1 and 50
        int value;
        if (Int32.TryParse(ipv6, out value) && (value <= 50 && value >= 1))
            return "Neither";

        foreach (var section in bytes)
            // If the length of the parsed int is not equal to the length
            // of the byte string or  0 > int < 9 or abcdef , return false
            int s;
            if (!Int32.TryParse(section, out s) || !s.ToString().Length.Equals(section.Length) || s < 0 || s > 9 || !section.ToLowerInvariant().Contains('a') || !section.ToLowerInvariant().Contains('b') || !section.ToLowerInvariant().Contains('c') || !section.ToLowerInvariant().Contains('d') || !section.ToLowerInvariant().Contains('e') || !section.ToLowerInvariant().Contains('f'))
                return "Neither";


        return "IPv6";

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