1. Table I - listings
id | name | location_id | is_approved | is_bookable
2. Table II - programmes (Polymorphic - Many to Many)
id | listing_id | name | base_price | owner_id | owner_type
3. Table III - timeslots (One to Many with programmes)
id | programme_id | start_time | end_time | discount | inventory
我想获得这些插槽(带有 - 程序和列表),其位置如下:
start_time => '2015-11-10 00:00:00'
end_time => '2015-11-10 23:59:59'
inventory => 'greater than 0'
owner_id => 'equals 1'
owner_type => 'equals Activity'
location_id => 'equals 3'
我做了这样一个雄辩的查询: [原始代码]
$query = Timeslot::where('start_time', '>', $start_time)
->where('end_time', '<', $end_time)
->where('inventory', '>', 0)
->whereHas('properties', function($properties_query) use ($timeslot_type) {
if(!is_null($timeslot_type)) {
$properties_query->where('timeslot_property_id', $timeslot_type);
->whereHas('programme', function($programme_query) use ($programme_id, $programme_type, $location_id) {
if(!is_null($programme_type) && !is_null($programme_id)) {
$programme_query->where('owner_id', $programme_id)
->where('owner_type', $programme_type);
$programme_query->whereHas('listing', function($listing_query) use ($location_id) {
$listing_query->where('is_approved', 1)
->where('is_bookable', 1)
->whereHas('location', function($location_query) use ($location_id) {
if(!is_null($location_id)) {
$location_query->where('id', $location_id);
->join('programmes', 'timeslots.programme_id', '=', 'programmes.id')
DB::raw('(discount/100)*programmes.base_price as discounted_price'),
DB::raw('(programmes.base_price - ((discount/100)*programmes.base_price)) as price')
->with(['programme', 'programme.listing']);
->havingRaw('max(programmes.base_price - ((discount/100)*programmes.base_price))');
SELECT `timeslots`.*,
( discount / 100 ) * programmes.base_price
AS discounted_price,
( programmes.base_price -
( ( discount / 100 ) * programmes.base_price ) ) AS
FROM `timeslots`
INNER JOIN `programmes`
ON `timeslots`.`programme_id` = `programmes`.`id`
WHERE `start_time` > '2015-11-10 00:00:00'
AND `end_time` < '2015-11-10 23:59:59'
AND `inventory` > 0
AND (SELECT Count(*)
FROM `timeslot_properties`
INNER JOIN `timeslot_property_timeslot_map`
ON `timeslot_properties`.`id` =
WHERE `timeslot_property_timeslot_map`.`timeslot_id` = `timeslots`.`id`
AND `timeslot_property_id` = 1) >= 1
AND (SELECT Count(*)
FROM `programmes`
WHERE `timeslots`.`programme_id` = `programmes`.`id`
AND `owner_id` = 2
AND `owner_type` = 'Activity'
AND (SELECT Count(*)
FROM `listings`
WHERE `programmes`.`listing_id` = `listings`.`id`
AND `is_approved` = 1
AND `is_bookable` = 1
AND (SELECT Count(*)
FROM `locations`
WHERE `listings`.`location_id` = `locations`.`id`
AND `id` = 3) >= 1) >= 1) >= 1
GROUP BY `programmes`.`listing_id`
HAVING Max(price)
我没有得到预期的结果! :(
通过 - '没有得到理想的结果'我的意思是 -
我得到的结果为 -
"timeslots": [
"id": 127,
"programme_id": 2,
"start_time": "2015-11-10 06:00:00",
"end_time": "2015-11-10 06:30:00",
"discount": 25,
"inventory": 200,
"created_at": "2015-10-19 16:52:18",
"updated_at": "2015-10-20 16:26:17",
"discounted_price": "375.0000",
"price": "1125.0000",
"programme": {
"id": 2,
"listing_id": 30,
"base_price": 1500,
"owner_id": 2,
"owner_type": "Activity",
"is_activated": 1,
"created_at": "2015-10-12 15:13:55",
"updated_at": "2015-10-19 10:45:48",
"listing": {
"id": 30,
"client_id": 42,
"name": "Listing Name 1",
"location_id": 3,
"is_approved": 1,
"is_bookable": 1,
"created_at": "2015-10-12 15:13:55",
"updated_at": "2015-10-28 23:37:20"
"id": 134,
"programme_id": 2,
"start_time": "2015-11-10 06:00:00",
"end_time": "2015-11-10 06:30:00",
"discount": 25,
"inventory": 200,
"created_at": "2015-10-19 16:52:18",
"updated_at": "2015-10-20 16:26:17",
"discounted_price": "700.0000",
"price": "1400.0000",
"programme": {
"id": 2,
"listing_id": 30,
"base_price": 1500,
"owner_id": 2,
"owner_type": "Activity",
"is_activated": 1,
"created_at": "2015-10-12 15:13:55",
"updated_at": "2015-10-19 10:45:48",
"listing": {
"id": 30,
"client_id": 42,
"name": "Listing Name 1",
"location_id": 3,
"is_approved": 1,
"is_bookable": 1,
"created_at": "2015-10-12 15:13:55",
"updated_at": "2015-10-28 23:37:20"