
时间:2015-11-07 04:32:44

标签: javascript

  1. 您能告诉我这是什么类型的数据吗?我知道这是关键和价值观的对象,但具体是什么:pets[name]: "felix"

    {name: "alex", pets[name]: "felix", pets[type]:"dog"}

  2. 如何检索pets[name]pets[type]
  3. 的值

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您引用的内容不是有效的JavaScript语法,它会因pets[name]部分而中断,因为属性初始值设定项的属性名称部分必须是文字,字符串,数字或计算属性名称(ES2015 - 仅限“ES6” - ),pets[name]不适合任何类别。


var o = {
    name: "alex",
    pets: {
        name: "felix",
        type: "dog"


console.log(o.name);      // "alex"
console.log(o.pets.name); // "felix"
console.log(o.pets.type); // "dog"


var o = {
    name: "alex",
    pets: [
            name: "felix",
            type: "dog"
            name: "fluffy",
            type: "cat"


console.log(o.name);         // "alex"
console.log(o.pets[0].name); // "felix"
console.log(o.pets[0].type); // "dog"
console.log(o.pets[1].name); // "fluffy"
console.log(o.pets[1].type); // "cat"


var name = "foo";
var sym = Symbol(); // <== ES2015+
var o = {
    literal:   "A literal, anything that's a valid IdentifierName can be used",
    "string":  "A string, any valid string can be used",
    'string2': "Another string, just using single quotes instead of doubles",
    10:        "Numbers are valid, they're converted to strings",
    10.5:      "Even fractional numbers are allowed",
    [name]:    "A computed property name, valid in ES2015+ only; the name of this" +
               "property is 'foo' because the `name` variable has `foo`",
    ["a"+"b"]: "Computed property names really are *computed*, this one is 'ab'",
    [sym]:     "Another computed property name, this one uses a Symbol rather than" +
               "a string"

在上面,所有属性名称都是字符串,但使用Symbol(ES2015 +)的字符串除外。
