PImage bg2; //background image
PImage homer; //image of homer
homer homer1;
int numberOfToxic = 3; //number of falling toxic tanks
int numberOfDonut = 3; //number of falling donuts
int score; //the score
Toxic[] toxic; //array for the toxic that will fall
PImage t;
Donut[] donut; //array for the donuts that will fall
PImage d;
void setup() {
size(600,500); //size of the window
bg2 = loadImage("bg2.jpg"); //uploading the background image
homer = loadImage("homer.gif"); //uploading the character image
t = loadImage("toxictank.png");
d = loadImage("donut.png");
PFont louiseFont;
louiseFont = loadFont("chalk.vlw"); //loading the font I've chosen
textFont(louiseFont); //the current font being used in the game
toxic = new Toxic[numberOfToxic];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfToxic; i++) {
toxic[i] = new Toxic();
donut = new Donut[numberOfDonut];
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfDonut; i++) {
donut[i] = new Donut();
score = 0; //the score starts at 0
void draw() {
homer1 = new homer(mouseX-70, 350, 140, 150, homer); //mouseX makes the hero move on the x axis and 350 defines where it is on the y axis. -70 center the mouse on the image/hero
homer1.drawHomer(); //call the function homer(hero)
//Making the taxictanks fall
for(int i = 0; i < toxic.length; i++) {
if(toxic[i].position.y > 500) {
//Making the donuts fall
for(int i = 0; i < donut.length; i++) {
if(donut[i].position2.y > 500) {
//Collecting points if Homer eats donuts
if(abs(donut[i].position2.y - homer1.y) <= 2 && abs(donut[i].position2.x-40 - homer1.x)<=40) {
score ++;
fill(#0D128B); //color of text
textSize(20); //size of text
text("SCORE: " + nf(score, 1), 20, 40); //score points - tells how to use the text in the game
//class with height, width x, y positions and the hero image
class homer {
int x;
int y;
int hWidth;
int hHeight;
PImage homer;
homer(int x, int y, int hWidth, int hHeight, PImage homer) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.hWidth = hWidth;
this.hHeight = hHeight;
this.homer = homer;
void drawHomer() {
image(this.homer, this.x, this.y, this.hWidth, this.hHeight);
class Toxic { //all the variables for toxic
PImage t;
PVector position;
float speed;
float size;
//constructor of toxic
Toxic() {
t = loadImage("toxictank.png");
position = new PVector(random(width), random(height));
speed = 4;
size = 20;
void update() {
position.y += speed;
void drawToxic() {
for(int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
image(t, position.x, position.y);
void reset() {
position.x = random(width);
position.y = 0 - 50;
speed = 4;
size = 20;
class Donut { //all variables for donut
PImage d;
PVector position2;
float speed2;
float size2;
boolean falling;
int timeToDisplay;
int fallingSpeed;
Donut() { //constructor of donut
d = loadImage("donut.png");
position2 = new PVector(random(width), random(height));
speed2 = 4;
size2 = 40;
falling = false;
timeToDisplay = (int)random(2.60);
fallingSpeed = (int)random(2.5);
void update2() {
position2.y += speed2;
void drawDonut() {
for(int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
image(d, position2.x, position2.y);
void reset2() {
position2.x = random(width);
position2.y = 0 - 50;
speed2 = 4;
size2 = 20;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
if(abs(donut[i].position2.y - homer1.y) <= 2 && abs(donut[i].position2.x-40 - homer1.x)<=40) {
score ++;