
时间:2015-11-06 12:59:03

标签: angularjs angular-material

当使用按钮显示this example(从Angular Material文档复制)中的无限滚动时,项目不会出现。




<div ng-controller="AppCtrl as ctrl" ng-cloak="" class="virtualRepeatdemoInfiniteScroll" ng-app="MyApp">
  <md-content layout="column">
       Display an infinitely growing list of items in a viewport of only 7 rows (height=40px).
       This demo shows scroll and rendering performance gains when using <code>md-virtual-repeat</code>;
       achieved with the dynamic reuse of rows visible in the viewport area. Developers are required to
       explicitly use <code>md-virtual-repeat-container</code> as a wrapping parent container.
       To enable infinite scroll behavior, developers must pass in a custom instance of
       mdVirtualRepeatModel (see the example's source for more info).

    <button ng-click="ctrl.show=!ctrl.show" style="width:100px">Show</button>

    <md-virtual-repeat-container id="vertical-container" ng-show=ctrl.show>
      <div md-virtual-repeat="item in ctrl.infiniteItems" md-on-demand="" class="repeated-item" flex="">


(function () {
  'use strict';

      .controller('AppCtrl', function($timeout) {

        // In this example, we set up our model using a plain object.
        // Using a class works too. All that matters is that we implement
        // getItemAtIndex and getLength.
        this.infiniteItems = {
          numLoaded_: 0,
          toLoad_: 0,

          // Required.
          getItemAtIndex: function(index) {
            if (index > this.numLoaded_) {
              return null;

            return index;

          // Required.
          // For infinite scroll behavior, we always return a slightly higher
          // number than the previously loaded items.
          getLength: function() {
            return this.numLoaded_ + 5;

          fetchMoreItems_: function(index) {
            // For demo purposes, we simulate loading more items with a timed
            // promise. In real code, this function would likely contain an
            // $http request.

            if (this.toLoad_ < index) {
              this.toLoad_ += 20;
              $timeout(angular.noop, 300).then(angular.bind(this, function() {
                this.numLoaded_ = this.toLoad_;


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