select distinct
bil.bill_id as Bill#, --(bill), this table has bill month and due date column
rec.receiptid as IDs, --(receipts),this table has receipt payment date,amount
sp.spaceno as spaceno,-- (space), this table has property names
lo.description as locaiton,-- (location),this table has details of property
one.name as owner_name,-- (owner), this table has owners information
bt.billtype as Particular,--(billtype),where bill types are saved
rec.rdate as Date,-- this column of receipt table showing wrong date data
dc.dr as opening,-- (DCnotes), this table has total payable amount column
rec.amount as dr,-- this column tells the paid amount
bil.amount as cr,-- this columen tell the payable amount
bil.balamount as balance,-- this column tells the net total of dr-cr columns
bil.billmonth as BillMonth,-- bill month column from bill table
bil.duedate as DueDate -- bill due date column from bill table
bills bil
inner join
Owners one on bil.ownerid = one.ownerid
inner join
Receipts rec on bil.spaceid = rec.propertyid
inner join
DCnotes dc on bil.spaceid = dc.property
inner join
BillTypes bt on bil.billtypeid = bt.billtypeid
inner join
Spaces sp on bil.spaceid = sp.spaceid
inner join
Locations lo on sp.locationid = lo.locationid
bil.siteid = '15'