; This program will store the first 47 Fibonacci numbers in an array of doublewords and write the doubleword array to a disk file
include Irvine32.inc
FibCount = 45
fileName BYTE "Fib47", 0 ; Creates file name
FibArray DWORD ? ; Initializes DWORD array to store fibonacci numbers
main PROC
mov ecx, FibCount
mov esi, OFFSET FibArray
call CreateOutputFile
call computeFibonacciNumbers
call WriteToFile
main ENDP
; Computes Fibonacci numbers (type DWORD) and stores them in an array
; Receives: ECX = count of Fibonacci numbers
; ESI = offset of array of Fibonacci numbers
; Returns: nothing
computeFibonacciNumbers PROC
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 1
cmp ecx, 0
jbe L2
add eax, ebx
mov edx, eax
mov FibArray, edx
mov ebx, eax
mov edx, ebx
loop L1
computeFibonacciNumbers ENDP
END main
答案 0 :(得分:1)
mov ecx, FibCount
mov esi, OFFSET FibArray
call CreateOutputFile
call computeFibonacciNumbers
为什么在 computeFibonacciNumbers 的参数设置和 computeFibonacciNumbers 的实际调用之间调用 CreateOutputFile ?非常不合逻辑且容易出错。
FibArray DWORD ? ; Initializes DWORD array to store fibonacci numbers
FibArray 的设置只为1 dword准备空间。如果你想要47个元素的数组空间,那么写:
FibArray DWORD 47 dup(?)
computeFibonacciNumbers 过程的参数为ESI,但您不在任何地方使用它。
在此过程中,您将所有值移到彼此之上。最好写mov [esi],edx
add esi,4
您可以在循环前保存cmp ecx,0
jbe L2