功能程序 - 编写一个函数从中间重新排列数组

时间:2015-11-05 23:41:31

标签: functional-programming scheme racket

任务是编写一个函数,该函数采用(7 8 2 9 5 6)之类的列表,然后从中心“展开”它,将其重新排列为2 9然后2 9 8 5,最后结束输出为2 9 8 5 7 6


  • 获取数组A中的最后一个元素,将其附加到前面的数组B
  • 从数组A中删除最后一个元素
  • 获取数组A中的第一个元素,将其附加到前面的数组B
  • 从数组A中删除第一个元素


7 8 2 9 5 6 - >

7 8 2 9 5 - > 6

8 2 9 5 - > 7 6

8 2 9 - > 5 7 6

2 9 - > 8 5 7 6

2 - > 9 8 5 7 6

- > 2 9 8 5 7 6更正最终输出


(define (lastElement L) ;returns the last element of array L
 (if (null? (cdr L)) (car L)
 (lastElement (cdr L))))

(define (unwind U)
 (if (null? U) ( (cons (lastElement L) '() )) ;generates a syntax error

在我的语法错误评论中,我想要做的是......如果array U!null,那么将lastElement L添加到新数组......然后以某种方式从那里开始我必须弄清楚如何从lastElement L移除U然后获取第一个元素并将其删除..我认为这将通过car和/或cdr

编辑 - 替代可能的方法?

(define (lastElement L)
 (if (null? (cdr L)) (car L)
 (lastElement (cdr L))))

(define (trim lst)
    (if (null? (cdr lst))
        (cons (car lst) (trim (cdr lst)))))

(define (first-half lst)
  (take lst (quotient (length lst) 2)))

(define (unwind U)
 (if (= (length U) 1 ) 999
  ( (lastElement (first-half U))
     (car (list-tail U (length(first-half U))))
          (unwind (cons
                   (trim (length (first-half U)))
                   (cdr (list-tail U (length(first-half U))))

(unwind '(7 8 2 9 5 6))

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我拿了一个经典的海龟和野兔递归将这个名单分成两半。你使用cdrcddr cdr的{​​{1}}进行操作,这样当快速重复的一半为空或单个列表时,较慢的一半会给你下半部分的清单。我也积累了一个反转的前半部分,因为它后来派上用场。


答案 1 :(得分:2)



;; Creating our zipper abstraction
(define (make-zipper l p r)
 "Create a zipper with what's to come left of point,
 what's at point and what's right of the point."
 (list l p r))
(define (zipper-point z)
 "Get the point of the zipper."
 (cadr z))
(define (zipper-left z)
 "Get what's left of the zipper, in the order as if
 the point moved to the left."
 (car z))
(define (zipper-right z)
 "Get what's right of the zipper."
 (caddr z))


;; Conversion into our new data type
(define (zipper-from-list l)
 "Create a zipper from a (non empty) list, and
 place the point at the first element."
 (make-zipper '() (car l) (cdr l)))

带拉链很酷的东西:四处走动。基本上这就像C或C ++等语言中的指针。您可以向左或向右移动,并且可以修改当前指向的值(无需昂贵的重建和遍历所有值,就像使用简单列表一样)。

;; Movement on zippers.
;; (2 1) 3 (4 5)
;; move-right => (3 2 1) 4 (5)
;; move-left => (1) 2 (3 4 5)
(define (zipper-move-right z)
 "Return a zipper with the point moved one to the
  (cons (zipper-point z) (zipper-left z))
  (car (zipper-right z))
  (cdr (zipper-right z))))
(define (zipper-move-left z)
 "Return a zipper with the point moved one to the
  (cdr (zipper-left z))
  (car (zipper-left z))
  (cons (zipper-point z) (zipper-right z))))


;; A special kind of moving, destructing the value at point.
;; (2 1) 3 (4 5)
;; zipper-squash-left => (1) 2 (4 5)
;; zipper-squash-right => (2 1) 4 (5)
(define (zipper-squash-right z)
 "Squash the value at point and close the gap
 with a value from right."
  (zipper-left z)
  (car (zipper-right z))
  (cdr (zipper-right z))))
(define (zipper-squash-left z)
 "Squash the value at point and close the gap
 with a value from left."
  (cdr (zipper-left z))
  (car (zipper-left z))
  (zipper-right z)))


;; Testing for the end points of the zipper.
(define (zipper-left-end? z)
 "Check whether the zipper is at the left end."
 (eq? '() (zipper-left z)))
(define (zipper-right-end? z)
 "Check whether the zipper is at the right end."
 (eq? '() (zipper-right z)))


;; Pull out a list from the current position of the
;; point.
(define (pull-list-from-zipper z)
 "Pull out a list from the current point of the
 zipper. The list will have the point as first value, followed
 by the one right to it, then the one left of it, then another
 one from the right and so on."
  ((zipper-left-end? z) (cons (zipper-point z) (zipper-right z)))
  ((zipper-right-end? z) (cons (zipper-point z) (zipper-left z)))
   (let* ((p1 (zipper-point z))
             (z1 (zipper-squash-right z))
             (p2 (zipper-point z1))
             (z2 (zipper-squash-left z1)))
    (cons p1 (cons p2 (pull-list-from-zipper z2)))))))



;; What we wanted to to.
(define (unwind l)
 "Move to the mid and pull a list out of the list."
 (let ((steps (quotient (- (length l) 1) 2)))
   ((repeated zipper-move-right steps) (zipper-from-list l)))))




答案 2 :(得分:1)


(define (unwind lst)
  (let loop ((lst lst)
             (acc '())
             (last? #t))
    (cond ((null? lst)
          ((null? (cdr lst))
           (if last?
               (append acc lst)
               (cons (car lst) acc)))
           (loop (drop-right lst 1)
                 (cons (last lst) acc)
           (loop (cdr lst)
                 (cons (car lst) acc)


(unwind '())
=> '()

(unwind '(7 6))
=> '(7 6)

(unwind '(7 8 2 9 5 6))
=> '(2 9 8 5 7 6)

(unwind '(7 8 2 0 9 5 6))
=> '(2 9 8 5 7 6 0)

答案 3 :(得分:1)


(define (unwind lst)
  (define maxlen (length lst))
  (let loop ((lst1 lst) (lst2 (reverse lst)) (res null) (len 0))
    (if (= len maxlen)
        (if (even? len)
            (loop lst1 (cdr lst2) (cons (car lst2) res) (add1 len))
            (loop (cdr lst1) lst2 (cons (car lst1) res) (add1 len))))))


> (unwind '(1 1 2 3 5 8 13))
'(3 2 5 1 8 1 13)
> (unwind '(7 8 2 9 5 6))
'(2 9 8 5 7 6)