我试图纠正一些套接字编程的东西,我在尝试制作cpp文件时面临以下错误,我在OS X 10.11上:
user-router / sm.cpp:84:3:错误:未知类型名称' iphdr'
void SimulatedMachine::run () {
// TODO: write your business logic here...
struct ethernet_header {
byte dst[6];
byte src[6];
uint16 type;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
const int frameLength = sizeof (ethernet_header) + 100;
byte *data = new byte[frameLength];
ethernet_header *eth = (ethernet_header *) data;
memset (eth->dst, 255, 6); // broadcast address
memcpy (eth->src, iface[0].mac, 6);
eth->type = htons (0x0800);
iphdr *packet = (iphdr *) (data + sizeof (ethernet_header));
packet->version = 4;
packet->ihl = 5;
packet->tot_len = htons (100);
Frame frame (frameLength, data);
sendFrame (frame, 0); // sends frame on interface 0
delete[] data;
cerr << "now ./free.sh and check the pcap log file to see the sent packet" << endl;