public static void main(String[] args) {
//Instantiate random and scanner function
Random rNum = new Random ();
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);
//instantiate integers for the computer and user number
int computerNumber;
int userNumber;
//sets parameter from which the computer can draw a number from
computerNumber = rNum.nextInt(3) +1 ;
//Prints the purpose of this program to user
System.out.println("This program lets you play rock paper scissor against"
+ "a CPU, good luck!");
//Prints the options that the user can input
System.out.println("Choose your weapon, 1, rock, 2, paper, 3 scissor");
//captures and holds user answer
userNumber = scan.nextInt();
//first set of outcomes, a draw
if(userNumber == computerNumber)
System.out.println("You have drawn, go again."); //Prints outcome of a draw
//Program uses else if to determine what outcome to print depending on user number
else if(userNumber == 1 && computerNumber == 2 || userNumber == 2 &&
computerNumber== 3|| userNumber == 3 && computerNumber == 1)
//Prints outcome of a loss
System.out.println("You fell in combat to " + computerNumber + " ,try again.");
//Prints outcome of a win
else System.out.println("Congratulations, you are victorious! You "
+ "defeated " + computerNumber) ;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Instantiate random and scanner function
Random rNum = new Random ();
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);
//instantiate integers for the computer and user number
int computerNumber, userNumber;
do {
//Code for playing the game
} while (condition);
} //end of main
然后你需要询问用户是否想再次播放,并将结果作为do while循环的条件:
do {
//Code for playing the game
System.out.print("Do you want to play again? <y/n> :");
} while (scan.next() != "n");
答案 1 :(得分:0)
public static void main(String [] args){ //实例化随机和扫描仪功能
Random rNum = new Random ();
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);
//instantiate integers for the computer and user number
int computerNumber;
int userNumber;
String quit="n";
//sets parameter from which the computer can draw a number from
//Prints the purpose of this program to user
System.out.println("This program lets you play rock paper scissor against"
+ "a CPU, good luck!");
//Prints the options that the user can input
System.out.println("Choose your weapon, 1, rock, 2, paper, 3 scissor");
computerNumber = rNum.nextInt(3) +1 ;
//captures and holds user answer
userNumber = scan.nextInt();
//first set of outcomes, a draw
if(userNumber == computerNumber)
System.out.println("You have drawn, go again."); //Prints outcome of a draw
//Program uses else if to determine what outcome to print depending on user number
else if(userNumber == 1 && computerNumber == 2 || userNumber == 2 &&
computerNumber== 3|| userNumber == 3 && computerNumber == 1)
//Prints outcome of a loss
System.out.println("You fell in combat to " + computerNumber + " ,try again.");
//Prints outcome of a win
System.out.println("Congratulations, you are victorious! You "
+ "defeated " + computerNumber) ;
System.out.println("Do you want you quit the game(y/n)?");
System.out.println("enter proper input (y/n)");