
时间:2015-11-05 01:15:30

标签: vhdl fpga synthesis vivado

如果我注释掉第二个进程块,我的以下vhdl模块将合成,但如果我尝试使用它们,则综合将失败,并且没有列出严重警告或错误。 有一些警告,但它们只是通常的事情(没有以太网连接Zynq,没有使用的东西,等等。)

我看不出有什么理由会发生这种情况。最初我在进程语句中有一个导致错误的for循环,但是取出它不起作用 然后我认为它可能是两个进程之间的多驱动网络,但事实并非如此。

library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

use work.DataTypes_pkg.all;

entity EvalFUOutputs is 
    Port ( 
        Clk_Launch : in  std_logic;
        RESET : in  std_logic;
        start : in  std_logic;
        current_phase : in  PhaseType;
        ready : out  std_logic;
        init_or_captured : in  std_logic;       --mode bit
        all_timings_done : out  std_logic;
        Capture_vals : in  std_logic_vector(FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB-1 downto 0);
        Launch_MUXCtrl : in  std_logic;
        Capture_ClkEn : in  std_logic; 
        --2D array for results.
        row_timings : out RowResultsType;
        glitches : out  OutRowType
end EvalFUOutputs;

architecture beh of EvalFUOutputs is

    type mode_enum is (init, eval);
    signal mode : mode_enum;

    type eval_enum is (idle, eval_begin, get_time, all_timed);
    signal eval_state : eval_enum;

    type init_enum is(begin_init, compare, done);
    signal init_state : init_enum;

    signal row_time : RowResultsType;

    type init_vals_declare is array (0 downto 1) of std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0);
    signal init_vals : init_vals_declare;

    signal has_been_timed : std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0 );
    --  if 0 => will not change
    --  if 1 => will change
    signal will_change : std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0);

    signal init_done :std_logic;

    signal fu_vals_changed : std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0);

    --  This modules clock signal
    signal clk : std_logic;

    signal a : std_logic;


    clk <= Clk_Launch;

    mode_of_FU :
    process(clk, mode, RESET) is

        if rising_edge(clk) then
            if RESET = '1' then
                --TODO:RESET LOGIC
                mode <= init;

                case mode is 
                    when init =>

                    --  Check if need to change to next
                    --      nested state mahcine
                        if (init_or_captured = '1') then
                            mode <= eval;
                            mode <= init;
                        end if;

                    when eval =>

                    --  End EVAL LOGIC nested state mahcine
                        if (init_or_captured = '0') then
                            mode <= eval;
                            mode <= init;
                        end if;
                end case;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

process (clk, RESET,mode,init_state) is

    if (rising_edge(clk)) then
      if (mode = init) then 
        if RESET ='1' then
            --TODO reset logic
            init_state <= begin_init;
            init_done <= '0';


                case init_state is
                    --TODO: init logic
                    --  1.A Init Machine Start
                    when begin_init =>
                        -- row timings set to zero to beign
                        row_time <= (others => (others => '0'));

                        init_vals(0)(FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0) <= Capture_vals;

                        if (start = '1') then
                            init_state <= compare;
                            init_state <= begin_init;
                        end if;

                    when compare =>
                        --wait one more clk cycle to get changed values
                        init_vals(1)(FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0) <= Capture_vals;

                        has_been_timed <= (others => '0');

                        init_state <= done;

                    when done =>
                        init_done <= '1';

                end case;
            end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end process;

--ready <= '1' ;
--all_timings_done <= '1';
--row_timings <= (others => (others => '1'));
--glitches <= (others => '1');
a <= '0';

end beh;


library IEEE;

package DataTypes_pkg is

   constant PHASE_SHIFT_LEN_NB: integer := 11;
   constant PHASE_SHIFT_RANGE: integer := 1120;
   constant PHASE_SHIFT_ZEROPHASE: integer := 0;

   constant FU_INPUT_WIDTH_NB: integer := 3;

   constant FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_LB: integer := 1;
   constant FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB: integer := 2;

   constant PHASE_LOWER_BOUND: integer := 150;
   constant PHASE_UPPER_BOUND: integer := 1100;

   subtype InRowType is std_logic_vector(FU_INPUT_WIDTH_NB-1 downto 0);
   subtype OutRowType is std_logic_vector(FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB-1 downto 0);

   subtype PhaseType is unsigned(PHASE_SHIFT_LEN_NB-1 downto 0);

   type RowResultsType is array(FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB-1 downto 0) of PhaseType;

   subtype row_index_type is integer range 0 to FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB - 1;

end DataTypes_pkg;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

type init_vals_declare is array (0 downto 1) of std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0);


  type init_vals_declare is array (0 to 1) of std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0);

Vivado 告诉您其他方法是错误的。