
时间:2015-11-05 00:51:44

标签: r ftp rcurl

我想从FTP服务器下载一个8Gb zip文件到R中的本地磁盘,我必须输入用户名和密码。

我在这里和谷歌搜索了很多解决方案,但大多数人使用//Modified by Shimon Doodkin //Based on answers of: @leo, @pangratz, @kevin-pauli, @Klaus //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8669340 App.Jsonable = Em.Mixin.create({ getJson : function (keysToSkip, visited) { //getJson() called with no arguments, // they are to pass on values during recursion. if (!keysToSkip) keysToSkip = Object.keys(Ember.Component.create()); if (!visited) visited = []; visited.push(this); var getIsFunction; var jsonValue = function (attr, key, obj) { if (Em.isArray(attr)) return attr.map(jsonValue); if (App.Jsonable.detect(attr)) return attr.getJson(keysToSkip, visited); return getIsFunction?obj.get(key):attr; }; var base; if (!Em.isNone(this.get('jsonProperties'))) base = this.getProperties(this.get('jsonProperties')); else base = this; getIsFunction=Em.typeOf(base.get) === 'function'; var json = {}; var hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; for (var key in base) { if (!hasProp.call(base, key) || keysToSkip.indexOf(key) != -1) continue; var value = base[key]; // there are usual circular references // on keys: ownerView, controller, context === base if ( value === base || value === 'toString' || Em.typeOf(value) === 'function') continue; // optional, works also without this, // the rule above if value === base covers the usual case if (visited.indexOf(value) != -1) continue; json[key] = jsonValue(value, key, base); } visited.pop(); return json; } }); /* example: DeliveryInfoInput = Ember.Object.extend(App.Jsonable,{ jsonProperties: ["title","value","name"], //Optionally specify properties for json title:"", value:"", input:false, textarea:false, size:22, rows:"", name:"", hint:"" }) */ 中的getBinaryURL,如下所示:


但是我无法在我的机器上分配8G内存以保存bin <- getBinaryURL("ftp://foo.com/file.zip", userpwd="<username>:<password>") con <- file("file.zip", open = "wb") writeBin(bin, con) close(con) ,我需要将其直接保存到磁盘,我该怎么做?

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