我有一个xaml移动项目,在滚动视图中有一个标签。在标签的文本中,我想链接到我的应用程序中的另一个xaml页面。当点击这个文本时,我如何调用函数我是我的代码? “免费注册!”
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Use out interest profiler to get a personalized list of careers that may interest you. Take a survey to find career clusters that are in line with your interests.
Store your favorite careers, colleges, programs, and more in your personal locker.
Yes, I want to do this! Sign up for free!</Label>
<Button Grid.Row="2" BackgroundColor="Blue" Text="Log In" TextColor="White" FontAttributes="Bold" ></Button>
<Button Grid.Row="3" BackgroundColor="Aqua" Text="Browse as Guest" TextColor="White" FontAttributes="Bold"></Button>