
时间:2015-11-04 09:51:47

标签: r plot convergence

我正在为R中的RDS数据集创建收敛图,并希望标记这些图。现在,我的x轴是#34;观察结果"并且我的y轴是RDS估计值,并且图表本身标记为" clientcondom = 1"的收敛图。有没有办法改变这个?请参阅以下代码:

convergence.plot(site[[1]], 'clientcondom', est.func=RDS.I.estimates) convergence.plot(site[[2]], 'clientcondom', est.func=RDS.I.estimates) convergence.plot(site[[3]], 'clientcondom', est.func=RDS.I.estimates)

另外,有没有办法将这些图组合成一个图 - 我在这里有三个网站,将它们组合并并排查看它们会很不错。非常感谢您的回复!


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site1_df <-as.rds.data.frame(data.frame(id=1:10,recruiter.id=c("seed",5,7,3,8,2,10,9,1,6),network.size.variable=c(5,4,8,9,1,2,6,7,10,3),site1=as.factor(sample(c("blue", "red"), 10, replace = TRUE))))
site2_df <-as.rds.data.frame(data.frame(id=1:10,recruiter.id=c("seed",5,7,3,8,2,10,9,1,6),network.size.variable=c(5,4,8,9,1,2,6,7,10,3),site2=as.factor(sample(c("blue", "red"), 10, replace = TRUE))))
site3_df <-as.rds.data.frame(data.frame(id=1:10,recruiter.id=c("seed",5,7,3,8,2,10,9,1,6),network.size.variable=c(5,4,8,9,1,2,6,7,10,3),site3=as.factor(sample(c("blue", "red"), 10, replace = TRUE))))
sites_list <-list(site1_df,site2_df,site3_df)


sites_df <-Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=T), sites_list)
sites_rds <-as.rds.data.frame(sites_df)


convergence.plot(sites_rds,c("site1","site2","site3"), est.func=RDS.I.estimates)

enter image description here

对于第一个问题,您必须根据convergence.plot2创建自己的convergence.plot功能。下面的convergence.plot2函数将&#34; Y轴估计&#34;对于ylab,&#34; X轴观察#&#34;对于xlab和。{ &#34;您的标题收敛情节(site1,2,3)&#34;为你的title。根据自己的喜好改变它们。确保更改所有出现的内容。

convergence.plot2 <-function (rds.data, outcome.variable, est.func = RDS.II.estimates,
    as.factor = FALSE, ...)
    if (as.factor) {
        for (o in outcome.variable) {
            rds.data[[o]] <- as.factor(rds.data[[o]])
    f <- function(v) cumulative.estimate(rds.data, v, est.func,
    ests <- lapply(outcome.variable, f)
    make.plot <- function(i) {
        Var1 <- Var2 <- value <- NULL
        e <- ests[[i]]
        nm <- outcome.variable[i]
        if (ncol(e) == 2) {
            e1 <- e[, 2, drop = FALSE]
            attr(e1, "n") <- attr(e, "n")
            e <- e1
            nm <- paste0(outcome.variable[i], "=", colnames(e)[1])
            rds.data[[outcome.variable[i]]] <- as.factor(rds.data[[outcome.variable[i]]])
        if (ncol(e) > 1) {
            rownames(e) <- attr(e, "n")
            dat <- melt(e)
            datl <- melt(e[nrow(e), , drop = FALSE])
            p <- ggplot(dat) + geom_line(aes(x = Var1, color = as.factor(Var2),
                y = value)) + scale_color_hue(nm) + ylab("Y-axis Estimate") +
                xlab("X-Axis # of Observations") + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,
                1)) + theme_bw()
            p <- p + geom_hline(data = datl, aes(yintercept = value,
                color = as.factor(Var2)), linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5)
        else {
            dat <- data.frame(value = e[, 1], Var1 = attr(e,
            datl <- dat[nrow(dat), , drop = FALSE]
            v <- rds.data[[outcome.variable[i]]]
            rng <- if (!is.numeric(v))
                c(0, 1)
            else range(v, na.rm = TRUE)
            p <- ggplot(dat) + geom_line(aes(x = Var1, y = value)) +
                ylab(paste("Estimated", nm)) + xlab("# of Observations") +
                scale_y_continuous(limits = rng) + theme_bw()
            p <- p + geom_hline(data = datl, aes(yintercept = value),
                linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5)
        return(p + ggtitle(paste("Your title Convergence plot of", nm)))
    plots <- lapply(1:length(outcome.variable), make.plot)
    do.call(.grid.arrange_RDS, plots)

将此新功能添加到RDS环境非常重要。 RDS使用的功能只能在自己的环境中找到。

environment(convergence.plot2) <- asNamespace('RDS')


convergence.plot2(sites_rds,c("site1","site2","site3"), est.func=RDS.I.estimates)

enter image description here