按列名称的List <string>过滤数据表,并将结果作为C#中的字典对象列表返回

时间:2015-11-03 22:22:47

标签: c# dictionary asp.net-web-api datatable


我有一个webapi,它根据用户ID返回用户个人资料数据。 web api将包含_include querystring参数,该参数包含我们需要验证和返回数据的属性名称。例: http://localhost/SomeApi/UserProfile/100?_include=IsDeleteAllowed,IsMigrated

web api应返回包含属性值的数据。 IsDeleteAllowed = 1

[HttpGet, ActionName("ById"), RouteSupport(IncludeObjects = new string[] { "All Properties" })]
public override List<Dictionary<string, string>> Read(int id)
        Controller userController = new Controller(ConnString);
        DataTable dt = userController.GetUserProfileByUser(id);

        // GetIncludes() method return the list of _include columns requested by the user that
        // needs to be filtered out from the dataset that has all the user profile properties
        List<string> inc = this.Request.GetIncludes();

        // Filters the columns based on the requested user profile properties (_include)
        var data = dt.AsDataView().ToTable(true, inc.ToArray<string>());

        // Convert the data into list of dictionary object
        var results = data
                    .Select(dr => data.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
                        .ToDictionary(dc => dc.ColumnName, dc => dr[dc].ToString()))

        return results;
    catch (Exception ex)
        throw new Exception("User Read(int id) Failed", ex);


以下代码行 var data = dt.AsDataView().ToTable(true, inc.ToArray<string>()) 过滤数据表以仅返回请求的列(用户配置文件)。

然后,.Select(dr => dt.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().ToDictionary(dc => dc.ColumnName, dc => dr[dc])).ToList()尝试将结果转换为要返回给用户的字典对象列表。


<ArrayOfArrayOfKeyValueOfstringstring xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">

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