
时间:2015-11-03 14:12:58

标签: c

John Viega在他的“C和C ++安全编程手册”一书中提出了一种模糊函数调用的方法。可以阅读here

#define SET_FN_PTR(func, num)                  \
    static inline void *get_##func(void) { \
      int  i, j = num / 4;                 \
      long ptr = (long)func + num;         \
      for (i = 0;  i < 2;  i++) ptr -= j;  \
      return (void *)(ptr - (j * 2));      \
#define GET_FN_PTR(func) get_##func(  )

#include <stdio.h>

void my_func(void) {
  printf("my_func(  ) called!\n");

SET_FN_PTR(my_func, 0x01301100); /* 0x01301100 is some arbitrary value */

int main(int argc, char *argv[  ]) {
  void (*ptr)(void);

  ptr = GET_FN_PTR(my_func);     /* get the real address of the function */
  (*ptr)(  );                      /* make the function call */
return 0;


我用gcc fp.c -S -O2,Ubuntu 15.10 64bit,gcc5.2.1编译了它,并检查了汇编:

        movl    $.LC0, %edi
        jmp     puts
        .size   my_func, .-my_func
        .section        .text.unlikely
        .section        .text.unlikely
        .section        .text.startup,"ax",@progbits
        .p2align 4,,15
        .globl  main
        .type   main, @function
        subq    $8, %rsp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
        call    my_func
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        addq    $8, %rsp
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8




    call    get_my_func
    movq    %rax, -8(%rbp)
    movq    -8(%rbp), %rax
    call    *%rax



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


然而,现代编译器会这样做,并且在应用优化时,它们会再次删除混淆。编译器的作用可能是GET_FN_PTR的简单内联扩展,当内联展开时,如何优化是非常明显的 - 它只是一堆常量,它们组合成一个指针,然后被调用。在编译时,常量表达式很容易计算(并且经常完成)。


答案 1 :(得分:4)

建议方法的想法是使用间接函数调用,以便首先计算函数地址然后再调用。 C预处理器用于提供一种为实际函数定义代理函数的方法,该代理函数提供了确定代理函数提供访问的实际函数的实际地址所需的计算。

有关代理设计模式的详细信息,请参阅Wikipedia article Proxy pattern


代理设计模式允许您为其他人提供界面   通过创建包装类作为代理来创建对象。包装类,   这是代理,可以为对象添加额外的功能   兴趣而不改变对象的代码。


C编译器允许struct包含函数指针作为成员。有什么好处是你可以定义一个外部可见的struct变量,函数指针是一个成员但是在定义struct时,struct变量定义中指定的函数可以是static,这意味着它们只有文件可见性(见What does "static" mean in a C program。)






// define a type using a typedef so that we can declare the externally
// visible struct in this include file and then use the same type when
// defining the externally visible struct in the implementation file which
// will also have the definitions for the actual functions which will have
// file visibility only because we will use the static modifier to restrict
// the functions' visibility to file scope only.
typedef struct {
    int (*p1)(int a);
    int (*p2)(int a);
} FuncList;

// declare the externally visible struct so that anything using it will
// be able to access it and its members or the addresses of the functions
// available through this struct.
extern FuncList myFuncList;


#include <stdio.h>

#include "func.h"

// the functions that we will be providing through the externally visible struct
// are here.  we mark these static since the only access to these is through
// the function pointer members of the struct so we do not want them to be
// visible outside of this file. also this prevents name clashes between these
// functions and other functions that may be linked into the application.
// this use of an externally visible struct with function pointer members
// provides something similar to the use of namespace in C++ in that we
// can use the externally visible struct as a way to create a kind of
// namespace by having everything go through the struct and hiding the
// functions using the static modifier to restrict visibility to the file.

static int p1Thing(int a)
    return printf ("-- p1 %d\n", a);

static int p2Thing(int a)
    return printf ("-- p2 %d\n", a);

// externally visible struct with function pointers to allow indirect access
// to the static functions in this file which are not visible outside of
// this file.  we do this definition here so that we have the prototypes
// of the functions which are defined above to allow the compiler to check
// calling interface against struct member definition.
FuncList myFuncList = {

Visual Studio 2005针对上述#include "func.h" int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { // call function p1Thing() through the struct function pointer p1() myFuncList.p1 (1); // call function p2Thing() through the struct function pointer p2() myFuncList.p2 (2); return 0; } 发出的汇编程序如下所示:显示通过指定地址的计算调用:




; 10   :    myFuncList.p1 (1);

  00000 6a 01        push    1
  00002 ff 15 00 00 00
    00       call    DWORD PTR _myFuncList

; 11   :    myFuncList.p2 (2);

  00008 6a 02        push    2
  0000a ff 15 04 00 00
    00       call    DWORD PTR _myFuncList+4
  00010 83 c4 08     add     esp, 8

; 12   :    return 0;

  00013 33 c0        xor     eax, eax

所以你可以做这样的修改// file scope visible struct containing the actual or real function addresses // which can be used to initialize the externally visible copy. static FuncList myFuncListReal = { p1Thing, p2Thing }; // NULL addresses in externally visible struct to cause crash is default. // Must use myFuncListInit() to initialize the pointers // with the actual or real values. FuncList myFuncList = { 0, 0 }; // externally visible function that will update the externally visible struct // with the correct function addresses to access the static functions. void myFuncListInit (void) { myFuncList = myFuncListReal; } // externally visible function to reset the externally visible struct back // to NULLs in order to clear the addresses making the functions no longer // available to external users of this file. void myFuncListClear (void) { memset (&myFuncList, 0, sizeof(myFuncList)); }


然而,你真正想做的是让myFuncListInit(); myFuncList.p1 (1); myFuncList.p2 (2); myFuncListClear(); 的调用位于源中的某个位置,而这些位置不会接近实际使用函数的位置。


答案 2 :(得分:0)

&#34;混淆&#34;在C / C ++中主要与编译代码的大小有关。如果它太短(例如500-1000个装配线),每个中级程序员都可以对其进行解码并找到几天或几小时所需的内容。