Sub strreplace()
Dim strArr As Variant
Dim b As Byte
strArr = Array("str.", "strasse", """")
For Each x In Selection
For b = 0 To UBound(strArr)
Selection.Replace strArr(b), "straße"
Next b
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Sub test()
Dim rng As Range, r As Range
Set rng = Range("A1", "A10") 'Adjsut this Range to what ever you need.
For Each r In rng
If Right(r.Value, 4) = "str." Then
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "str.", "straße")
ElseIf Right(r.Value, 7) = "strasse" Then
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "strasse", "straße")
End If
Next r
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:1)
将字符串拆分为两部分,并在需要时插入“ß”。这是一个如何在字符串中获取最后一个“ss”的示例 - 您应该能够将逻辑运用到现有代码中:
Sub MM()
Dim names As Variant
Dim name As Variant
Dim newName As String
Dim partA As String
Dim partB As String
Const findChar As String = "ss"
Const replaceChar As String = "ß"
names = Array("str.", "strasse", "Berlinstrasse", "Lessonstrasse")
For Each name In names
If InStr(name, findChar) Then
partA = Left(name, InStrRev(name, findChar) - 1)
partB = Mid(name, InStrRev(name, findChar) + Len(findChar))
newName = partA & replaceChar & partB
End If
Debug.Print newName
End Sub
Function ReplaceSS(ByVal name As String) As String
If InStr(name, "ss") Then
partA = Left(name, InStrRev(name, "ss") - 1)
partB = Mid(name, InStrRev(name, "ss") + 2)
newName = partA & "ß" & partB
newName = name
End If
ReplaceSS = newName
End Function
答案 2 :(得分:1)
Sub test()
Dim rng As Range, r As Range
Set rng = Range("A1", "A10") 'Adjsut this Range to what ever you need.
For Each r In rng
If InStr(1, r.Value, "strasse") > 0 Then
r.Value = replace(r.Value, "strasse", "straße")
End If
End Sub
答案 3 :(得分:1)
Sub strReplace()
Dim strArr As Variant
Dim b As Byte
strArr = Array("str.", "strasse", """")
For Each X In Selection
For b = 0 To UBound(strArr)
If InStrRev(X, strArr(b)) > 0 Then
Selection.Replace X, Left(X, InStrRev(X, strArr(b)) -1) & Replace(X, strArr(b), "straße", InStrRev(X, strArr(b)))
End If
Next b
End Sub
答案 4 :(得分:1)
作为一名学生,我在因斯布鲁克的一条名为Schneeburggasse的街道度过了美好的一年。虽然我的邻居很愉快,但我确信他们会在他们的街道上变成Schneeburggaße。同样地,我的德国笔友住在一条名为Schloßstraße的公路上 - 如果你的数据库记录为Schlossstrasse,那么Schlossstraße看起来有点奇怪吗?
Option Explicit
Private mCommonWords As Collection
Private mAmbiguous As Collection
Public Sub RunMe()
Dim str As String
Dim cell As Range
' Do anything you like with the list of ambiguous cells
For Each cell In mAmbiguous
str = str & cell.Address(False, False) & vbLf
MsgBox str
End Sub
Private Sub CreateCommonWordList()
Set mCommonWords = New Collection
AddCommonWord "straße", "strasse"
AddCommonWord "straße", "str."
AddCommonWord "schloß", "schloss"
End Sub
Private Sub AddCommonWord(correct As String, wrong As String, Optional capitalise As Boolean = True)
Dim words(1) As String
Dim splitCorrect(1) As String
Dim splitWrong(1) As String
words(0) = correct
words(1) = wrong
mCommonWords.Add words
If capitalise Then
splitCorrect(0) = UCase(Left(correct, 1))
splitCorrect(1) = Mid(correct, 2, Len(correct) - 1)
correct = splitCorrect(0) & splitCorrect(1)
splitWrong(0) = UCase(Left(wrong, 1))
splitWrong(1) = Mid(wrong, 2, Len(wrong) - 1)
wrong = splitWrong(0) & splitWrong(1)
words(0) = correct
words(1) = wrong
mCommonWords.Add words
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ReplaceOrNote()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim v As Variant
Dim startCell As Range
Dim foundCell As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
' First replace the common words
For Each v In mCommonWords
ws.Cells.Replace _
What:=v(1), _
Replacement:=v(0), _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
MatchCase:=True, _
SearchFormat:=False, _
' Now search for every other 'ss' member
Set mAmbiguous = New Collection
Set startCell = ws.Cells.Find( _
What:="ss", _
After:=ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, ws.Columns.Count), _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
If Not startCell Is Nothing Then
mAmbiguous.Add startCell
Set foundCell = startCell
Set foundCell = ws.Cells.FindNext(foundCell)
If foundCell Is Nothing Then
Exit Do
ElseIf foundCell.Address = startCell.Address Then
Exit Do
mAmbiguous.Add foundCell
End If
Loop While True
End If
End Sub
嗨Ambie我知道因斯布鲁克很漂亮......你的代码也是如此。我的问题是我必须加载街道地址,邮政编码等Webfleet。这是一个跟踪服务车(Geoposition)的在线门户网站(德语)。如果我在驱动程序终端TomTom 8275上传日常服务导览,那么excel工具会报告经常错误(在地理编码上),如果街道名称以strasse结尾。许多在excel工作表中处理行的另一个问题以str结尾。 (Innsbruckerstr)。因此,我必须将其替换为Insbruckerstraße。我测试了你的代码,他解决了这两个问题。但是在Strasserstr上。他把它换成了Straßerstraße我觉得因为字母系列strasse在strasser。好的,我可以忍受......再次感谢
答案 5 :(得分:0)
Public Function Replace(
ByVal Expression As String,
ByVal Find As String,
ByVal Replacement As String,
Optional ByVal Start As Integer = 1,
Optional ByVal Count As Integer = -1,
Optional ByVal Compare As CompareMethod = CompareMethod.Binary
) As String
Sub strreplace()
Dim strArr As Variant
Dim b As Byte
Dim x As Range
strArr = Array("str.", "strasse", """")
For Each x In Selection.Cells
For b = 0 To UBound(strArr)
Cells(x.Row, x.Column) = StrReverse(Replace(StrReverse(x.Value), strArr(b), "straße", 1, 1))
Next b
Next x
End Sub